Splendid Ap

Splendid Ap, a member of the Bedlam Spirits originating from the vicinity of the Bedlam Pulsar, played a role in events during the Galactic Civil War. These spirits gained the ability to manifest physically and encountered Princess Leia Organa on the planet Bedlam after she was forced to land there due to Imperial forces. Two of the spirits, Tilotny and Horliss-Horliss, began toying with Organa and the stormtrooper pursuers, ultimately killing all of them. After becoming bored with their game, Tilotny tasked Splendid Ap with cleaning up the aftermath. He resurrected Organa and the stormtroopers, but inadvertently transported the latter 8,000 years into the past.


Splendid Ap resurrects Leia Organa and three stormtroopers.

Splendid Ap, an entity with transdimensional and omnipotent attributes, was among the Bedlam Spirits residing in the stark, white realm that consumed hyperspace close to the Bedlam Pulsar. These spirits were generally without physical bodies, but through experimentation with time, matter, and space, Tilotny learned how to assume a physical form. Splendid Ap, along with his fellow spirits, Horliss-Horliss and Cold Danda Sine, emulated Tilotny's newfound skill and materialized on the planet Bedlam at some point during the Galactic Civil War.

While the group was discussing their new forms and their surroundings, they encountered Princess Leia Organa, a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic who had been compelled to land on the planet and was being pursued by three Imperial stormtroopers. Tilotny, who believed she had created the world around them, also claimed to have created Organa and her pursuers, and she and Horliss-Horliss commenced playing with the lifeforms. Before long, all four mortals were dead. Horliss-Horliss transformed Organa's heart into diamond, while Tilotny crystallized one stormtrooper and fused the remaining two into a single mass of limbs. Soon growing weary of their game, Tilotny, Cold Danda Sine, and Horliss-Horliss decided to depart, with Tilotny instructing Splendid Ap to tidy up the mess they had created. Splendid Ap revived the beings, restoring them to their original forms, but due to a lack of understanding of time and space, he inadvertently sent the stormtroopers 8,000 years into the past.

Personality and traits

Splendid Ap creates copies of himself.

Despite possessing great power, Splendid Ap had difficulty comprehending time and space. Upon assuming a physical form for the first time, he managed to create six duplicates of himself, failing to grasp that there should only be one instance of him at any given moment. Although he did his best to overcome his limited understanding of time while restoring the mortals to life, he unintentionally stranded the stormtroopers by sending them 8,000 years into the past. Splendid Ap was somewhat detached from his peers, speaking a different language and not participating in their discussions about time and space or their interactions with the beings they encountered on the planet. The others looked down upon his inability to comprehend time, and Tilotny considered him to be unintelligent. In his corporeal form, Splendid Ap had a conical shape and a pink hue.

Powers and abilities

Similar to the other Bedlam Spirits, Splendid Ap was an omnipotent entity capable of manipulating time and mass, although his limited understanding of these concepts caused him difficulties when utilizing his powers. As an abstract entity by nature, he possessed the ability to assume a physical form and create multiple simultaneous copies of himself. He also had the ability to levitate objects and alter the beings he encountered, restoring Organa and the stormtroopers to life and their original forms after they were killed by the others, and he was capable of sending them backward through time.

Behind the scenes

Splendid Ap was conceived by Alan Moore for the comic story Tilotny Throws a Shape, which appeared in the Marvel Comics UK comic book The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 154 in February 1982. John Stokes provided the illustrations for Tilotny Throws a Shape, which was initially published in black and white. It was later colored when reprinted by Dark Horse Comics in 1996's Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds 2, which gave Splendid Ap his pink coloration. The character is also referenced in 2009's The Essential Atlas, which established him as a Bedlam Spirit. Joe Bongiorno had plans to elaborate on Splendid Ap and the other Bedlam Spirits in a Star Wars Gamer article titled "Supernatural Encounters in the Star Wars Universe," but the magazine's cancellation prevented the article from being completed.

While the original comic depicts Splendid Ap resurrecting Organa and the stormtroopers after Tilotny declines, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia erroneously states that Tilotny restored the beings. Pablo Hidalgo acknowledged this error during a ForceCast interview in late 2008.

