This is the eighth installment in the collection of in-universe videos, named Timeline 8: The Jedi Civil War, which offers foundational lore for the Star Wars: The Old Republic game. The video takes the shape of an archival document, logged within the Jedi Archives by the esteemed Jedi Master Gnost-Dural.
Around three centuries prior to the Great War, one of the most significant dangers to the Republic emerged: the Jedi Civil War, initiated by the Sith Lords Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Jedi Master Gnost-Dural conducts a historical probe delving into this period, scrutinizing newly discovered evidence that transforms the Jedi Order's comprehension of the circumstances surrounding Revan's descent and his final destiny.
BTC 303 – At the conclusion of the Mandalorian Wars, and three centuries before the Sacking of Coruscant, two distinguished Jedi Knights chased enemy combatants into the uncharted regions of space. Upon their return to Republic territories, these Jedi, Revan and Malak, had succumbed to the dark side's influence. Embracing their roles as Sith Lords, Revan and Malak launched a galactic quest to locate the Star Forge, an ancient artifact of immense power. However, during their sinister endeavors, Malak's aspirations intensified, leading him to betray Revan, which ignited the devastating Jedi Civil War. Despite Revan's eventual redemption and the restoration of galactic harmony, he vanished in pursuit of a 'great darkness' lurking in Deep Space. Master Gnost-Dural's inquiry validates that this profound darkness was, in fact, the Sith Empire, the very adversary the Jedi Order confronted during the Great Galactic War.