
A male Mon Calamari, named Toka, served the Alliance to Restore the Republic and achieved the rank of admiral. During the year 0 ABY, while stationed at Tak Base, Admiral Toka faced an attack from dark troopers, which resulted in him being killed.


Admiral Toka is killed during the attack on Tak Base.

During the Galactic Civil War, Toka held the position of admiral within the Rebel Alliance Fleet, fighting against the Galactic Empire. In 0 ABY, he was positioned at Tak Base, a Rebel facility located on the planet Talay. It was at this base that Imperial General Rom Mohc chose to test his new Dark Trooper Project, unleashing dark troopers in a powerful assault on the base.

As the Imperial forces attacked, Toka gave orders to Captain Bok, another Rebel and fellow Mon Calamari, instructing him to escape Talay on the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Grey Damsel, using escape coordinates provided by the Alliance. Shortly after, Toka broadcast a distress signal, hoping someone would receive it, but he was immediately killed by blasterfire. Five days following Toka's demise, Mon Mothma, the leader of the Alliance, showed the admiral's distress signal to Kyle Katarn, a mercenary, in preparation for his mission to Talay to investigate.

Personality and traits

Admiral Toka displayed great selflessness during the Imperial attack on Tak Base. He prioritized the safety of his friend, Captain Bok, urging him to flee Talay to warn the Alliance about the Empire's new threat, rather than attempting a rescue. Toka volunteered to remain behind and send a distress signal, accepting his fate. As a Mon Calamari, Toka had orange skin and yellow eyes.


While serving at Tak Base, Admiral Toka wore the Mon Cal uniform jerkin.

Behind the scenes

Star Wars: Dark Forces used Return of the Jedi film footage of Admiral Ackbar to depict Toka in holographic form.

Toka's initial appearance was in the 1995 video game Star Wars: Dark Forces, where Denny Delk provided his voice, credited only as "Dying Rebel". In Dark Forces, footage of Admiral Ackbar from the movie Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi was used to represent Toka's holographic image.

Later, in the 2000 comic story "Sand Blasted," written by Kilian Plunkett and featured in Star Wars Tales 4, Toka was formally identified. This story expanded upon the events of the Talay massacre as depicted in Dark Forces.

