
Tonin, whose name translates to "Little Atton" in the Aldivian language, was an R2-series astromech droid under the ownership of Gara Petothel.


Posing as Lara Notsil, Gara Petothel dismantled Atton Repness's smuggling operation on the training frigate known as the Tedevium. Following this, she received Repness's superior X-wing and its accompanying astromech droid. Erasing the droid's memory, she gave him the name Tonin, which, as mentioned, is "Aldivian" for "Little Atton." Tonin's appearance was characterized by silver-white plating accented with blood-red trim, and he was equipped with all the advanced tools and enhancements typical of the latest R2 models.

Possessing a distinct personality, Tonin formed a bond with Petothel. When circumstances forced her to escape from Wraith Squadron, Tonin accompanied her. She modified his programming to conceal her true agenda: the sabotage of Iron Fist. While Petothel carried out her duties as an intelligence officer for Zsinj, Tonin diligently worked toward her secret goal. He asserted control over a large number of MSE-6-series repair droids and directly infiltrated the main computer systems of the Iron Fist.

Tonin concluded that his intelligence surpassed that of the Iron Fist's computers, a claim that may have been accurate. As the self-proclaimed "king of the droids," Tonin successfully gathered crucial intelligence about the Iron Fist and seized control of essential systems. During the climax of the Battle of Vahaba, Tonin manipulated the navigation computer data of the Iron Fist, causing the ship to become stranded in the Selaggis system. Subsequently, he commanded his legion of mouse droids to disable the warship's hyperdrive system. While Zsinj's engineers struggled to restore hyperdrive functionality, Tonin joined the Project Chubar survivors in their escape from the Battle of Selaggis.

The last known whereabouts of Tonin and Petothel were on Corellia. There, they planned to utilize a captured Sentinel-class landing craft to establish a shipping enterprise with Kolot, an Ewok pilot whom Petothel had rescued from the Iron Fist.

