Topas dosLa

Topas dosLa was the Overliege of the agriworld known as Ukio during the time of the Separatist Crisis. On 13:4:18, dosLa, along with the other leaders of planets within the Abrion sector, opted to withdraw from the Galactic Republic and align themselves with the newly formed Confederacy of Independent Systems. DosLa's decision was largely motivated by the prior secession of many of Ukio's client worlds; the Overliege considered it a sensible move for Ukio to maintain its service provision. Furthermore, dosLa's planet would gain freedom from Republic tariffs.

DosLa's statements were later reported by HoloNet News, and the Abrion sector's secession sparked discussions within the Galactic Senate regarding the potential approval of subsidy programs for [food](/article/foodstuff/legends]-supplying planets that remained part of the Republic. DosLa believed that Ukio's secession, and the subsequent elimination of Republic tariffs, would result in enhanced profitability and improved efficiency for Ukio's farmers.

Behind the scenes

Topas dosLa's name appeared in HoloNet News Vol. 531 52. This article was penned by Pablo Hidalgo and [Paul Ens], and it was featured in HoloNet News Vol. 531 52 on the HoloNet News website on April 18, 2002.

