Tostovin Munitions

Tostovin Munitions functioned as a weapons manufacturer during the era of the Galactic Empire, and continued its operations for approximately three decades following the pivotal Battle of Endor. Dryden Vos's Hylobon bodyguards, the public persona of Crimson Dawn, were armed with JND-41 percussive cannons. The Guavian Death Gang, a criminal organization, maintained connections within the arms industry, guaranteeing their access to cutting-edge prototypes via illicit channels, including percussive cannons and micro-grenade launchers, both of which were manufactured by Tostovin Munitions.

Production Information

The initial reference to Tostovin Munitions occurred in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, a comprehensive guide authored by Pablo Hidalgo and published in 2015.

Resource List

  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary (Initial Mention)
  • Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z
  • Star Wars Helmet Collection 52 (Helmets: The Guavian Death Gang)
  • Star Wars: Card Trader (Set: Solo: A Star Wars Story - Gear & Gadgets, Card: Aemon Gremm's Tosotvin Munitions JND-41 Percussive Cannon)
  • Percussive Cannon in the Databank (backup link)

Additional Information
