The Traffic Division served as the traffic police force of the Coruscant Security Force, tasked with the surveillance of the skylanes above Galactic City on the planet of Coruscant. Using police speeders and assault ships, patrol officers upheld traffic laws, including speed limits. While only equipped with the standard issue blaster, they possessed the ability to contact Dispatch to request a police cruiser backup unit if necessary. A notable figure within the division was Lieutenant Ia, known for her strict enforcement of traffic regulations.
On one occasion, law enforcement rerouted aerial traffic surrounding the Galactic City Spaceport because Korunnai terrorists, upset with the Galactic Republic, were engaged in a hostage situation. Later on, the Traffic Division provided support to the Galactic Alliance Guard during a raid in Coruscant's Jabi Town district, targeting Corellians who sympathized with their homeworld's push for independence. Additionally, it aided in restricting traffic flow during police interventions against Coruscanti and Corellian participants in rioting.
The Traffic Division was initially referenced within the biography of Lieutenant Ia in Coruscant and the Core Worlds, which Wizards of the Coast released on January 3, 2003. It was later depicted in Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines, a book by Karen Traviss that came out on August 29, 2006.