A military operation, known as the Raid on Jabi Town, was executed in 40 ABY by the police forces belonging to the Galactic Alliance. The root of this action was the elevated tensions that existed between the governments of the Galactic Alliance and Corellia. This political friction also manifested on the planet of Coruscant, specifically between the native Coruscanti and their Corellian counterparts. Following a series of terrorist attacks and riots, the governing body of the Galactic Alliance sanctioned the formation of the Galactic Alliance Guard, placing it under the leadership of the newly appointed Colonel Jacen Solo. This new organization, the GAG, was authorized to detain individuals suspected of sympathizing with Corellia, leading to the raid on Jabi Town, which served as the Corellian sector within Galactic City.
The strained relationship between the Galactic Alliance and Corellia at the governmental level led to increased hostility on Coruscant, with friction between the Coruscanti and Corellian populations. After multiple terrorist attacks and riots occurred on Coruscant, the Galactic Alliance's Chief of State Cal Omas offered Jedi Knight Jacen Solo a military commission as a colonel and command of the Coruscant Security Force's Anti-Terrorist Unit. However, Solo believed that tasking conventional police with secret police functions would impede normal law enforcement. A purely military solution was also deemed unsuitable. Consequently, the decision was made to establish a separate agency, both physically and politically distinct from the CSF, with the mandate to apprehend and intern Corellian suspects and combat Corellian-linked terrorist activities on Coruscant. This agency was named the Galactic Alliance Guard, and it was granted emergency powers under the command of Jacen Solo. Personnel were drawn from the CSF's Anti-Terror Unit and shock troopers from the 967 Commando Unit, who were subsequently transferred to the GAG.
The initial operation of the GAG was focused on Jabi Town, which was the designated Corellian area within Galactic City. Prior to the raid's commencement, the CSF deployed Traffic Division repulsorlift vehicles to block off several skylane intersections. Once the signal was given, GAG units, led by Jacen Solo, entered numerous residences and initiated the process of interning Corellians. Explosives were employed to breach entry into some buildings. GAG troopers also utilized sensor devices known as "Noses" to detect potential threats within suspects' apartments before forcing entry. The law enforcement and military personnel involved coined the term "Rapid Entry By Jedi" (REBJ) to describe Solo's method of forcibly opening doors and subduing individuals using the Force. Following the raid, CSF officers nicknamed the GAG troopers "stormies," drawing a comparison between them and the stormtroopers of the former Empire.