
The Trials represented a crucial step for merit adoptives within a Chiss family. Successfully navigating this process secured them the elevated family status of Trial-born. Conversely, failure resulted in a loss of rank and permanent ineligibility for future Trials.

Chiss families actively sought out merit adoptives through a recruitment method known as rematching. The merit adoptive rank was provisional; those recruited via military service risked losing their status if they didn't pass the Trials before their service concluded. Generally, the family homestead served as the venue for the Trials.

These Trials incorporated a series of assessments. Some were written, evaluating general knowledge, logical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and familiarity with Chiss Ascendancy history. Others were practical, involving challenges like crossing a river without getting wet, solving riddles and puzzles, and mountain climbing. Throughout the Trials, merit adoptives faced these challenges in complete isolation, guided only by an impersonal, disembodied voice. Spanning approximately two days, the Trials included scheduled rest periods for meals and sleep, allowing merit adoptives to recuperate.

In 19 BBY, Mitth'ali'astov underwent her Trials at the Mitth family homestead. Thooraki, the Patriarch of the Mitth family, personally lauded her "elegant" solutions to the problems presented by the Trials. He then formally welcomed her into the Mitth family as a Trial-born member.

Exceptionally, a family might extend an offer to a highly valued individual, granting them Trial-born status or higher without requiring them to undergo the Trials. The Irizi family notably made such an offer to Senior Commander Mitth'raw'nuru, and subsequently presented a similar offer to Senior Captain Irizi'in'daro.

Behind the scenes

The concept of Chiss family Trials was first introduced in Timothy Zahn's 2020 novel, Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, which marked the beginning of Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy.

