"Triplecross" marks the end of Star Wars Forces of Destiny' second season, serving as the sixteenth and last episode of the animated micro-series. Its original release date was May 25, 2018.
Qi'ra finds herself on Ord Mantell, attempting to evade the pursuing droid bounty hunter IG-88, who is actively firing his blasters at her. IG-88 demands her immediate surrender. Qi'ra seeks refuge in an alley, opening a door only to be met by the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka, who expresses his delight at her falling into their carefully laid trap. Hondo explains that he had to team up with IG-88 to successfully capture the elusive Qi'ra.
As IG-88 secures stuncuffs on Qi'ra, he comments that capturing a Crimson Dawn lieutenant would result in a substantial bounty. Qi'ra questions Hondo's unusual collaboration, noting her surprise that he would work with droids, given his apparent dislike for them. Qi'ra inquires about Hondo's motivation for pursuing her, pointing out that the bounty on the droid is more valuable than the one on her. Hondo retorts that the bounty placed on him exceeds the combined value of Qi'ra and IG-88.
Upon hearing this, IG-88 expresses surprise with a "really" and brandishes his vibroblade, prompting Qi'ra to swiftly evade the attack. Reacting instinctively, Hondo fires at IG-88, causing the droid to fall. While Hondo is busy securing stuncuffs on IG-88, Qi'ra seizes the opportunity to use a tool and free herself from her restraints. As Hondo confronts IG-88 about his perceived betrayal, Qi'ra exclaims "good idea" and proceeds to knock Hondo to the ground.
After disarming him, she places handcuffs on Hondo and mockingly remarks that the droid served as a useful distraction. Hondo voices his objections, but Qi'ra informs him that he is about to make her very wealthy. IG-88 then recovers and accuses Hondo of betraying their agreement. Hondo counters that Qi'ra has "triple-crossed" him. Qi'ra instructs them to start moving. As they walk, Hondo suggests splitting the bounty with Qi'ra, but IG-88 reminds him that they are in no position to negotiate terms. Hondo complains that IG-88's constant interruptions are the reason he dislikes droids.