Triv Pothman, a stormtrooper serving the Galactic Empire, found himself stationed on the planet Pzob, awaiting extraction by the Eye of Palpatine. His role within his company was that of the armorer.
The battlemoon's failure to appear led to unrest among the stormtroopers in his company. Infighting erupted, exemplified by the incident involving Killium Neb, and the stormtroopers were gradually eliminated, either by each other or by the Gamorreans native to Pzob. Ultimately, he was the sole surviving stormtrooper of his company, and he was held captive for two years by the Klaggs and Gakfedds. Some time passed, and Luke Skywalker experienced a crash on Pzob in the Huntbird. Triv emerged from his dwelling to investigate the crash site, discovering an injured man and woman. He took them to his hut and provided Luke with a respirator he possessed.
Following introductions and initial interactions, Triv proposed assisting in the repair of the Huntbird in return for transport away from Pzob. During their efforts to repair the ship, they faced attacks from both the Gakfedds and later the Klaggs, but the group found safety by securing themselves within the vessel.
As the Klaggs and Gakfedds engaged in combat, the Eye of Palpatine arrived at Pzob to fulfill its original mission. However, finding no Stormtroopers present, it opted to abduct the Gamorreans and the crew of the Huntbird for indoctrination. Triv, being a Human and a stormtrooper, was the most profoundly affected by the indoctrination, leading him to become a member of the Gakfedds group of Imperials. A conflict occurred in the mess hall of the Eye of Palpatine, and Triv received orders to execute Cray Mingla for her alleged role as a Rebel saboteur and spy. However, with Luke's assistance, he regained his senses and prevented the execution.
Triv assisted in piloting the shuttles employed by the group to escape the Eye of Palpatine, eventually landing on Belsavis. Upon seeing Belsavis, Triv was captivated by the domed city of Plawal and enrolled in training to become a horticulturist.