Trunska, a world found in the Colonies region, existed in the Trunska system and is classified as a planet.
This chilly, stone-covered world, Trunska, possessed a sparse atmosphere and a plethora of rivers. It was here that the Trunsks originated and expanded their civilization along the extensive web of waterways. Progressing through agriculture and city formation, these settlements evolved into independent city-states and, ultimately, rivaling empires. During the Information Age, Tyl the Deplorable achieved global dominance. His progressive changes propelled the Trunsks to unprecedented technological achievements, facilitating their expansion beyond their native planet and integration into the Galactic Republic.
Under the rule of Palpatine, Trunska fell under the control of the Empire. The Trunsks were relegated to the status of a slave race. Belgoa, the planet's emperor, voiced opposition to the enslavement publicly, but secretly worked with the Imperials as long as he retained the authority to decide who could remain and who had to leave. The Trunskan emperors had a sizable Trunskan police force at their disposal.
Trunska engaged in active commerce with other planets. Nevertheless, during the Imperial Period, the sale of weaponry was strictly prohibited on the planet.
- " Alien Encounters " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 13
- Alien Encounters
- The Essential Atlas