
The Trunsks were a species of sentient mammalian beings originating from the planet known as Trunska. These creatures, descendants of predatory ancestors, were characterized as sturdy, fur-clad bipeds, distinguished by their prominent ears and nostrils, perfectly suited for the harsh conditions of their frigid, thin-atmosphere homeworld. Their imposing appearance was further enhanced by their broad, tusked mouths, rudimentary horns, and formidable fighting claws. Generally, Trunsks possessed a surly disposition, exhibiting a marked distrust towards outsiders and unfamiliar individuals.

As their civilization evolved from agrarian communities along waterways into expansive empires spanning entire continents, Trunsk chieftains engaged in relentless conflicts with one another. Ultimately, Tyl the Deplorable achieved planetary unification. By this juncture, Trunsks had mastered information-age technology. Freed from the constraints of constant warfare, they swiftly advanced hyperspace travel capabilities and integrated into the Galactic Republic. With the ascent of the Galactic Empire, the Trunsks were stripped of their autonomy, becoming one of numerous species officially designated as slaves. The Trunsk sovereign, Emperor Belgoa, was reduced to an Imperial figurehead who publicly condemned the enslavement of his people, yet secretly permitted the Empire to continue the practice, particularly targeting Belgoa's political adversaries. The slave trade persisted, although the Trunsks' rebellious nature made them unpopular among traders. Even free Trunsks residing on Trunska were denied access to armed spaceships or personal weaponry, a regulation strictly enforced by Belgoa's police force.

The injustices of enslavement motivated many Trunsks to enlist in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Sully Tigereye serves as a prime example: escaping a life of captivity, he joined the Rebel Red Alpha squad as a heavy weapons specialist. Following a distinguished career that continued as the Alliance transitioned into the New Republic, the Trunsk resigned to accompany his commanding officer, Colonel Andrephan Stormcaller, into a soldier of fortune group known as the Red Moons. Within this organization, Tigereye persisted in battling a surviving faction of the Empire, the Pentastar Alignment.

Biology and appearance

Trunsks were covered in thick fur and wielded sharp fighting claws.

The Trunsks were a stocky species of humanlike mammals whose bodies were covered by dense, matted, brown fur. Their tough skin was exposed only on the face, mammary glands, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet. Despite an average height of only 1.5 to 2.0 meters, Trunsks were powerfully built beings with remarkable endurance. Each hand had four fingers, and each finger and toe bore long, sharp, retractable fighting claws.

The species' rugged faces featured two large eyes that gave the Trunsks an impression of ferocity and untamed nature in the eyes of other species. In some individuals, the yellow iris and pupil were shaped like tall, thin ovals; in others, the iris was so large that it obscured the sclera. The sclera themselves were dark in color. The eyes were situated within osseous sockets, which in some Trunsks extended several centimeters above the eye, while in others they were much less prominent. Below the eyes was the Trunsk nose, typically wide and flat, featuring two large nostrils adapted for breathing in a rarefied atmosphere. However, some Trunsks possessed much smaller noses. Directly beneath the nostrils was the Trunsk mouth, a wide feature with lips that turned down in a permanent frown. Two ivory teeth projected upwards from the lower jaw, remaining visible even when the mouth was closed. Despite the skin's toughness, Trunsk lips were flexible enough to be pursed. Members of the species typically sported a prominent beard on their chins. A large, triangular auricle lay flat against the fur on each side of the hairless face. These sensory organs were highly effective at detecting sound waves in a thin atmosphere. A small, vestigial horn grew in front of each ear; in some Trunsks, these horns pointed downwards, while in others they pointed upwards.

Society and culture

Trunsks were known for their fierce demeanor and volatile tempers.

Trunsks often appeared harsh and easily angered. They were notorious for their short fuses, and they were especially prone to fits of rage when under pressure. This was particularly noticeable when dealing with strangers, as Trunsks deeply mistrusted outsiders, treating them with rudeness at best. In extreme cases, the Trunsk temper could manifest as violent outbursts. Nevertheless, Trunsks generally avoided outright fighting unless provoked.

When conflicts did arise, Trunsks were known to be skilled fighters. Their sharp claws, combined with their muscular builds, allowed them to quickly defeat opponents at close range. Other Trunsks were equally proficient in using advanced weaponry such as energy weapons.

Despite their aggressive demeanor, Trunsks were capable of showing warmth and gentleness towards friends and family. Similarly, Trunsks who spent considerable time with non-Trunsks could be charming and courteous to strangers if they chose to be. However, even among close friends, a Trunsk could sometimes come across as excessively grumpy.

Trunsks possessed a strong work ethic that made them valuable as manual laborers. However, their temperament was ill-suited to servitude. In fact, most Trunsks considered slavery to be the most abhorrent practice in the cosmos. As principled beings driven by their convictions, Trunsks like Sully Tigereye felt compelled to combat the slave trade.

For much of their history, the Trunsks were governed by competing empires. At some point before the collapse of the Galactic Republic, a military leader named Tyl the Deplorable united them under a single administration. From that point forward, a large law enforcement agency was established to enforce the ruler's laws and maintain order.

Trunsks had access to standard technology available throughout most of the galaxy. Members of the species wore clothing similar to that worn by other humanoid species integrated into galactic society. Some Trunsks sharpened their tusks as a form of personal adornment.


Trunsks such as Sully Tigereye faced enslavement under the rule of Emperor Palpatine.

The Trunsks originated from Trunska, a world characterized by rugged terrain, extremely cold temperatures, and a thin atmosphere. They evolved from meat-eating, quadrupedal ancestors that hunted the planet's diverse population of hoofed, root-eating animals. From these forebears, the Trunsks inherited large nostrils for breathing Trunska's thin air, large ears for detecting sound waves in such conditions, and vestigial horns near the ears that had diminished in size over generations. As the Trunsks' intelligence grew, they eventually achieved consciousness. Their front paws evolved into hands capable of intricate manipulation, and their quadrupedal posture evolved into a bipedal stance.

Early Trunsks lived as agriculturalists along their planet's extensive river systems. Agricultural communities soon developed into urban centers, and cities into empires. As land became scarce, the Trunsks entered a period of constant conflict between rival states. Trunsk commanders and military leaders led their factions in a relentless pursuit of territory. During this time, the species advanced technologically, entering the information age.

Eventually, a renowned strategist known as Tyl the Deplorable led his military forces to conquer all of Trunska, unifying the Trunsks for the first time in their history. Having no further need for soldiers and weapons, Tyl transformed the military into a police force responsible for maintaining order. Resources previously allocated to war were now used to fund scientific research. The species eventually developed the ability to create faster-than-light-capable vessels, either through their own ingenuity or with assistance from other sources.

The Trunsks used their newfound spacefaring capabilities to dispatch explorers and reconnaissance units to map the surrounding regions of outer space. They attracted the attention of the Galactic Republic, and the Trunsks joined the pan-galactic government, eventually becoming respected members of the interstellar community. Their world was considered part of the Colonies region, located southwest of the galactic Core Worlds.

With the rise of the Galactic Empire and Emperor Palpatine's proclamation of the New Order, new discriminatory laws were enacted, and the Trunsks were declared a slave species. Slave traders arrived on Trunska and transported thousands of the resilient beings offworld to perform labor throughout the galaxy.

The Trunsks retained a semblance of self-governance under the rule of their emperor, Belgoa. This leader publicly denounced the enslavement of his people, but secretly negotiated an agreement with the local governor: the Trunsk ruler agreed to comply with Imperial directives and allow the slave trade to continue unhindered, but he retained the authority to decide which Trunsks were taken and which were spared. In this way, Belgoa was able to eliminate political rivals and enemies within his domain. However, slave traders and owners soon realized that the Trunsk temperament was unsuitable for enslavement, and the species became less desirable among traffickers in sentient beings. One of the few areas where Trunsk slaves remained in demand was as fighters in arenas.

Imperial laws—enforced through the Trunsk emperor—prohibited Trunsks from owning or carrying weapons and from piloting starships equipped with weapon systems. The Trunskan police force remained loyal to the Trunsk leader—and therefore to the Galactic Empire—and enforced these regulations. After the Empire fragmented into various factions starting in 4 ABY, it was eventually replaced as the dominant galactic power by the New Republic, which outlawed slavery. Nevertheless, Trunsks were still found as slaves within the territory of the Imperial remnant faction known as the Pentastar Alignment. More than a century later, in 137 ABY, Trunska fell within the territory controlled by Darth Krayt as part of his Sith dominion.

Trunsks in the galaxy

Trunsks could be found on many worlds, including Port Haven, where a Trunsk and his companions had a run-in with a Viper probe droid.

Upon discovering hyperspace technology, the Trunsks began exploring the galaxy beyond their native planet. However, the species never emigrated from Trunska in large numbers, even after joining the Galactic Republic. Under the Galactic Empire, Trunsks faced the same discrimination as other non-Humans due to Palpatine's anti-alien policies. With the enslavement of their species under the New Order, Trunsks were forcibly removed from their planet by the thousands, but their volatile personalities discouraged large-scale slave operations and kept the number of Trunsks offworld relatively low. Nevertheless, several enslaved Trunsks gained fame as gladiators, arena fighters, and sideshow performers.

Those Trunsks who escaped enslavement during the Galactic Civil War utilized their natural abilities to find work as protectors, scouts, and regional law enforcement officers. One Trunsk visited the world of Port Haven, where he was attacked by an Imperial remote sensor. Others joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic to fight the Empire and liberate their people.

One such Trunsk was Sully Tigereye, who escaped a life of captivity. He joined the Alliance as a basic infantry soldier and proved to be a fierce combatant prone to fits of uncontrolled rage. The Trunsk advanced through the ranks and caught the attention of Colonel Andrephan Stormcaller, who invited Tigereye to join the Red Alpha insertion team as a heavy weapons specialist. Tigereye was highly skilled with large weapons such as heavy energy rifles, rotary energy weapons, and sonic axes. When the Alliance transformed into the New Republic, Tigereye became a respected and decorated member of an infiltration unit, tasked with penetrating enemy lines and launching attacks. However, he followed Stormcaller in resigning his commission and joining the Red Moons, a group of paid soldiers who specialized in missions that harmed the Pentastar Alignment. Tigereye led a mission targeting the Karazak Slavers Guild on Gabredor III to rescue the children of ambassadors held captive by the slavers. He later traveled with the Red Moons to Entralla to steal the plans for the Lunar Night festival from agents of the Alignment.

Behind the scenes

The Trunsk character Sully Tigereye was conceived by author Anthony Russo for his article "Blasters for Hire," featured in the Star Wars Adventure Journal 3 in August 1994. The article explores mercenaries in the Star Wars universe and details a sample mercenary group, the Red Moons, of which Tigereye was a member. Russo later included Tigereye and his Red Moons colleagues in two short stories, "It's a Gambler's Life," and "*Blaze of Glory," both published in subsequent issues of the Adventure Journal. The latter was reprinted in the short story collection Tales from the Empire, published in 1997.

Author Brian Smithson further developed the Trunsks and their culture in his article "Alien Encounters," published in the Star Wars Adventure Journal 13 in May 1997. The article provides game rules for players of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game to create Trunsk characters. These statistics portray Trunsks as slightly less intelligent, perceptive, technologically adept, and agile than Humans, but also slightly stronger. This description and collection of statistics are reprinted in a slightly modified form in the book Alien Encounters, published in 1998.

A Trunsk is depicted in an illustration by artist Mike Vilardi in the book Platt's Starport Guide, published in 1995. The illustration accompanies an adventure idea for players of the West End Games Star Wars roleplaying game, although it is uncertain whether the Trunsk shown is intended to be one of the characters involved in that adventure. The story sends a group of contraband runners into the jungles of Port Haven to investigate a shipwreck they have witnessed. There, they discover that the crash survivors are agents of the Rebel Alliance. The player characters assist the survivors in reaching a settlement, where the grateful Rebels reward the smugglers for their assistance.

