Tsubaki, a male human who possessed the Force, transitioned from being a Jedi Knight to a Sith apprentice after his fall to the dark side of the Force. Masago, a Sith Lord, served as his master.
Before his descent into the dark side of the Force, Tsubaki, then a Jedi, served a king at his royal palace. It was there that he encountered Princess Misa, and their initial friendship blossomed into a forbidden romance. Tsubaki aided Misa in repelling an assault by the Orochi five years prior to his fall.
Upon learning of the king's demise at the hands of Masago, the monarch's sister, Tsubaki sought guidance from a trusted elder, who cautioned against confronting the Sith Lord, fearing his vulnerability to the dark side. The Jedi had been plagued by recurring visions of himself striking down Misa, though the identity of the victim and the prophetic nature of these visions remained unclear. Disregarding this counsel, Tsubaki, convinced that this was not his destined path, resolved to confront Masago at the royal palace.
En route, he was ambushed by Mushas, and succumbed to unconsciousness after experiencing traumatic flashbacks. Princess Misa, now exiled, along with local guides Senshu and Kamahachi, rescued him. Together, Tsubaki and Misa, supported by the two hired locals, embarked on a journey to retake the kingdom from Masago.
To circumvent Masago's checkpoints, they navigated perilous alternative routes through mountains, a desert, a body of water, a roadblock, a forest and a village. At the treacherous mountain pass known as the Place of the Gods, Kamahachi disappeared. Tsubaki located and rescued him, subsequently reuniting with Misa and Senshu at a nearby village.
Upon reaching the palace, they subdued the guards and infiltrated the residence. Masago engaged Tsubaki in combat, attempting to sway him to the dark side. During the confrontation, Tsubaki inadvertently struck down Misa, and, in exchange for saving her life, he accepted Masago's offer to become her Sith apprentice and they use the Force healing to heal Misa.