Unidentified Tusken village

A Tusken village existed within the Valley of the Spirits, a region of the Jundland Wastes close to Fort Tusken on the planet Tatooine. Notably, this settlement served as the location for a massacre perpetrated by Anakin Skywalker during the year 22 BBY.


This encampment was established by wandering Tusken Raiders in the desolate wastelands bordering the Western Dune Sea. It was regarded as being situated on ancestral Tusken hunting grounds. The B'Thazoshe Bridge marked this territory. The huts that formed the camp were constructed using animal hides stretched over frames of wood or bone. These structures were designed for easy relocation in emergencies. Positioned near a natural oasis, the huts provided the Tuskens with a crucial water supply. Both Tuskens and their domesticated massiffs served as guards for the settlement.


Shmi Skywalker Lars was brought to this camp after her abduction by Tusken Raiders near the Lars homestead. A male Tusken would capture a prisoner to demonstrate his strength to the tribe. These captives often endured severe rituals designed to test the endurance and resilience of Tusken adversaries. Shmi experienced this firsthand, and when her son, Anakin, eventually located her, she was on the verge of death. Shmi died in Anakin's arms. The grief and fury he felt at her death led to his slaughter of everyone in the camp, including women and children. It is presumed that their banthas took their own lives upon learning of their riders' demise, as this was a common practice among these creatures.

Following this event, the site of the massacre gained a reputation among the Tuskens as a haunted place. Prisoners were sacrificed there in an attempt to appease the ghost believed to haunt the camp. The camp was left in ruins to honor the Tuskens who had died there. The area evolved into a Force nexus strongly aligned with the Dark side of the Force.

The ruined Tusken Raider village during the Galactic Civil War.

During 4 BBY, Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter visited the site while driving in Darklighter's landspeeder after shooting womp rats near the crash site of the Spice Siren, and spotting Tusken Raiders in the distance. After seeing the Tuskens stop at the camp, they decided to investigate, and discovered the remnants of the settlement. They observed the white Bantha ribs, the halved skulls of Tuskens, and the leather strips that had been used to restrain Shmi Skywalker. After a feeling of dread overwhelmed Biggs and Luke, they quickly left the camp.

Following the Battle of Yavin, the Jedi Nos'lyn guided an aspiring Jedi to the Tusken village to provide instruction in the ways of the Force and to caution him about the dangers of the dark side.

Kitster Chanchani Banai was brought to the village in 8 ABY, with the intention of sacrificing him, but he was saved by Han and Leia Organa Solo.

