The Twenty-Ninth Fleet functioned as a unit of the Republic Navy throughout the duration of the third Galactic War.
In 3627 BBY, as the third Galactic War raged on, the Twenty-Ninth Fleet made a stop at Mek-Sha en route to Corellia, where it was slated to bolster the defenses of the Meridian Complex. While stationed at Mek-Sha, the Sith Empire identified it as a target, with the intention of obliterating it to prevent its arrival at Corellia.
Nevertheless, the Empire's scheme to annihilate the fleet was thwarted by the actions of the Alliance Commander. The Commander fought their way through the Empire's military forces, including Lord Tarnux and Major Anri, ultimately ensuring the fleet's survival.
Subsequently, the fleet reached its destination and participated in the defense against the attack on the Meridian Complex, playing a role in the successful repulsion of the Imperial Fleets.
The Twenty-Ninth Fleet is featured in the Onslaught expansion pack for the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. A Republic Loyalist or an Imperial Saboteur player character will rescue the fleet, preventing its destruction by the Empire. Conversely, an Imperial Loyalist or a Republic Saboteur player character will achieve the destruction of the fleet, preventing its participation in the defense of the Meridian Complex.