Twins (star system)

The binary star system known as the Twins, characterized by its volatile nature, existed within the Myto's Arrow hyperlane, a location in space. Due to the gravitational forces at play, this region was precarious for starship navigation; however, the ever-changing magnetic forces provided an advantage. These forces masked altitude adjustments of ships, enabling them to alter their trajectory undetected. Around 18 BBY, Jax Pavan, a Jedi Knight, intended to traverse the Twins while escorting the resistance figure Thi Xon Yimmon from the planet of Coruscant to Dantooine. Near the Twins, they were attacked by Darth Vader and his 501st Legion.

Behind the scenes

In March of 2023, Jason Fry, who collaborated on The Essential Atlas, mentioned the Twins' inclusion in an upcoming revision of The Essential Atlas Online Companion.

