
Tyerle possessed an indomitable spirit and was the sibling of Tay Vanis, who served as an operative for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. She was a woman.


Hailing from Telfrey, a planet located within the Iskalon system, Tyerle and her brother departed their homeworld after a tragic incident. The rest of their family perished in an assault by stormtrooper forces within the city. Tay sought refuge on nearby Iskalon, while Tyerle, accompanied by her husband Rogan, journeyed to Questal in an attempt to distance themselves from the oppressive Empire.

Tyerle and Rogan established a life on Questal, but the planet's substantial Ardanium deposits drew the attention of the Empire and spurred an increase in criminal activity. The Empire seized control of Questal, appointing Moff Bandor as its governor. Rogan then initiated clandestine resistance groups to challenge Bandor's authority.

Unfortunately, Bandor succeeded in apprehending Rogan and subjected him to torture using a Hurlothrumbic Generator. Terrified, Tyerle reached out to her brother Tay, who by that point was a Rebel Alliance operative, seeking assistance. Vanis made every effort to free Rogan, but he was captured and endured similar torture.

Subsequently, a team of Rebel agents was dispatched with the mission of rescuing both Rogan and Tay Vanis. They accomplished their objective, even managing to capture Bandor in the process. Initially, both Tay and Rogan suffered from mental incapacitation, but they eventually recovered, owing in part to Tyerle's unwavering affection.

