
Ardanium was a type of mineral that exhibited a unique characteristic: its strength increased when exposed to radiation. This property made it exceptionally valuable in the construction of fuel cells utilized by massive starships. While ardanium also found use in medicine, its primary application in fuel cells significantly elevated its importance. The discovery of an ardanium deposit on the planet Questal circa 3 BBY triggered the Ardanium Rush, an event that saw numerous entrepreneurs and miners flock to Questal in pursuit of this valuable resource.


Ardanium was a mineral that, upon refinement, possessed the distinctive attribute of becoming more robust when subjected to radiation. This made it particularly advantageous for fabricating fuel cells. A thin coating, just a millimeter thick, of ardanium enabled the Galactic Empire to produce fuel cells and engines suitable for use in constructing Super Star Destroyers. Furthermore, ardanium had medicinal uses. The xenopathologist Archiban Kimble incorporated the mineral with accellerite and cyanogen silicate to formulate a treatment for a rare flesh-eating disease. Ardanium II was another material sharing similar characteristics, though its application was limited to smaller fuel cells.


The galaxy was aware of Ardanium as early as the time of the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Kimble managed to obtain ardanium to aid his investigations into finding a cure for the flesh-eating disease affecting the Hutt Suudaa Nem'ro. Around 3 BBY, an agri-droid on the planet Questal dislodged a rock containing ardanium. Upon hearing this, Emperor Palpatine of the Galactic Empire recognized the potential to significantly expand his fleet using Questal's deposits. Consequently, entrepreneurs and miners arrived en masse, seeking their fortunes. Prospectors in the capital of Gralleenya devastated the surrounding landscape, creating the Waste—a barren area marked by abandoned pits and mines. The Ardanium Rush, as it became known, also attracted criminal elements that established a presence on the planet. Palpatine was then compelled to dispatch Moff Bandor to restore order. Bandor, with the aid of the Imperial Military, quelled the unrest, although conflicts persisted as Questal's ardanium reserves dwindled over the subsequent three years. Following the defeat of Bandor by agents of the Rebel Alliance, the Empire opted to abandon Questal, as very little ardanium remained.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Ardanium occurred in The Game Chambers of Questal, a roleplaying adventure published by West End Games in 1990.

