During the era of the Cold War that existed between the Galactic Republic and the rebuilt Sith Empire, the Hutt known as Suudaa Nem'ro contracted a sickness that caused the gradual breakdown of his organic tissues. A cure was discovered by Archiban Kimble, a xenopathologist who went by the name Doc. Kimble's studies at medical school allowed him to understand the disease and create a treatment using the chemical compounds ardanium, accellerite, and cyanogen silicate. Regrettably, before the Journal of Xenomedicine journalists could confirm Doc's success, the Houk bounty hunter Skadge brought about Nem'ro's death.
This disease caused a slow deterioration of living tissues over a period of time, with the Hutt species being particularly vulnerable to it. While it was considered incurable during the period of the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the xenopathologist Archiban Kimble, most often called Doc, managed to create an experimental remedy utilizing cyanogen silicate, ardanium, and accellerite as its primary components.

Around the year 3640 BBY, the Hutt Suudaa Nem'ro became infected with this ailment while residing on the planet of Nal Hutta. Being a powerful crime lord, Nem'ro promised a large amount of credits to any doctor who could save him. Doc, while traveling with the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython, learned about Nem'ro's condition from Kaliyo Djannis, a Rattataki and former enforcer of Nem'ro. Doc, recalling his studies of the disease at the First Republic Medical Academy of Coruscant, began working on an experimental treatment, hoping to both earn Nem'ro's reward and achieve galactic recognition.
After successfully creating a cure, Doc offered it to Nem'ro, who had already lost nearly half of his body mass. To prevent Nem'ro from forcing him to work for the Hutt, Doc arranged for Djannis to be presented as a hostage aboard the Hero of Tython's Defender-class light corvette, knowing Nem'ro cared for his former enforcer. Doc traveled to Nem'ro's Palace on Nal Hutta and effectively cured Nem'ro, stopping the dissolution and earning the Hutt's appreciation. However, Doc's ambition to be recognized in the Journal of Xenomedicine was thwarted when Skadge, a Houk bounty hunter whom Nem'ro had wronged years prior, killed him. The Journal's reporters couldn't verify Doc's treatment due to the minimal remains left after Skadge's attack.
The first mention of Nem'ro's disease was in the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. According to the game's text files, the conversations surrounding the disease were originally more involved, requiring the player to gather ingredients from various planets. These included a mushroom from Taris and a venom cattail fruit from Quesh, followed by a meeting with a contact on the moon Nar Shaddaa. However, these missions were cut before the game's launch.