First Republic Medical Academy of Coruscant

The main medical school of the University of Coruscant, a top-tier educational establishment situated on the Galactic Republic's capital world of Coruscant, was known as the First Republic Medical Academy of Coruscant during the Great Galactic War period with the Sith Empire. Archiban Kimble, a Human male, was a student at the Academy, where he studied xenopathology; however, certain students alleged that Kimble benefited from preferential treatment by his female professors. Despite his subpar academic record in medical school, one of Kimble's classmates eventually rose to the position of leader of the Republic Health Administration.

Behind the scenes

The BioWareLucasArts video game Star Wars: The Old Republic official website's The Holonet section first made reference to the Academy in an entry about the Jedi Knight companion character Doc, thereby revealing Doc's true identity as Archiban Kimble. The reference work Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, which came out in 2012, provided more details, stating that Kimble's medical school was a part of the University of Coruscant.


  • Doc on The Old Republic Holonet (backup link) (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia (Indirect mention only)

Notes and references
