Unidentified Republic doctor

A person of the male persuasion functioned as a physician throughout the Cold War era, which was a conflict between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. This fellow went to the First Republic Medical Academy of Coruscant, as well as the medical studies at the University of Coruscant; there, he studied alongside Archiban Kimble, who was studying xenopathology. The doctor's intellect and medical abilities were famously subpar. In spite of this, this individual managed to graduate from the University, even though he barely scraped by on his final tests. He then stayed on the Republic's [capital](/article/capital/legends] planet of Coruscant, and he ultimately created a treatment for a relatively insignificant flesh-eating virus called Zabrak Scalp Necrosis. The recognition he received from this accomplishment resulted in the physician being made the acting leader of the Republic Health Administration, an event that Kimble thought was only possible because the doctor had paid someone off to get the job.

Behind the scenes

This physician was initially brought up in the "Opportunity Knocks" dialogue with Kimble, the companion character for the [Jedi Knight](/article/jedi_knight-legends] class, who is known as "Doc" in the Star Wars: The Old Republic video game from 2011. The doctor's species and identity are never revealed during this conversation.

