Tythan Phomm

Tythan Phomm was a male Human who existed in the era of the Cold War between the Republic and the revived Sith Empire. He was once seized by Morgukai fighters and served as a means to attract a female Jedi. The Morgukai were a group of Force-resistant Nikto warriors, who trained new members to strike at Republic objectives. Following the Jedi's defeat, the Nikto released Phomm, who would hold a long-lasting resentment towards them. In 3643 BBY, Phomm was living on Nar Shaddaa and learned that the Morgukai had established the Morgukai temple there. He then paid a Republic champion to assault the Morgukai, anticipating that they would be killed in combat, satisfying their need for bloodshed; however, the hero instead lived through the trial and severely damaged their entire organization.

