Ubiqtorate base

The Ubiqtorate base, which circled Yaga Minor, functioned as an informational repository for the Galactic Empire, and subsequently the Imperial Remnant. It was overseen by High General Hestiv.

General Garm Bel Iblis of the New Republic launched an assault on it in 19 ABY. His objective was to obtain a version of the Caamas Document. Although the Battle of Yaga Minor didn't result in the New Republic acquiring a perfect copy of the document, the involvement of Talon Karrde and Admiral Gilad Pellaeon as the battle concluded revealed the identities of three individuals (Major Grodin Tierce, Moff Vilim Disra, and the swindler Flim) who had illegitimately gained control within the Imperial Remnant. Their motives were personal gain and the perpetuation of the Galactic Civil War. This battle, along with the battle at Bothawui, effectively signaled the conclusion of the war.

