Unidentified clone trooper (Geonosis)

A clone trooper fought for the Galactic Republic's Grand Army during the Clone Wars, battling against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He participated in the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, which marked the beginning of the conflict. He aided other clone troopers, including clone commando Boss, in a successful defense of a barricade against the advancing Separatist battle droids. Surviving the initial onslaught, the clone then helped to push the droids back toward a Separatist gun emplacement.


On the planet of Kamino, the male clone trooper was born as a Human clone derived from the DNA of Jango Fett, a Mandalorian bounty hunter. This clone served the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In 22 BBY, the trooper was involved in the Battle of Geonosis, the Clone Wars' initial major engagement, during which the Republic sought to seize the Separatist-controlled world.

While defending a barricade from Separatist B1-Series battle droids with his squad comprised of fellow troopers named 17, Three-Five, and another unnamed trooper, clone commando Boss approached their position. The trooper alerted the commando to the imminent danger posed by the overwhelming number of enemy forces. As Boss moved into the area, the attacking battle droids breached a wall, killing one of the troopers. The remaining clones fought back against the assault, halting the droids' advance and ultimately driving them back to a Separatist gun emplacement.

Personality and traits

Being a clone of Jango Fett, the clone trooper's height was 1.83 meters. The trooper displayed loyalty and camaraderie towards his fellow clones when he warned Boss about the numerous enemy combatants ahead.


This clone trooper was equipped with a DC-15S and wore white Phase I clone trooper armor.

Behind the scenes

The 2005 video game Star Wars: Republic Commando, developed by LucasArts, featured this clone trooper.

