A Corellian was brought into the Cuy'val Dar by Jango Fett, a bounty hunter, to assist in the instruction of the clone commandos within the Grand Army of the Republic. Being a Corellian, he held the distinction of being one of the few non-Mandalorian sergeants serving in the Cuy'val Dar. He provided training to the commandos of Galaar Squad, including Ennen and Bry, who, following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, united with their fellow clones Darman and Niner to establish Squad 40.
Around 30 BBY, this Corellian was among the 25 non-Mandalorian individuals recruited by Jango Fett for the Cuy'val Dar. The Corellian's assignment involved training Clone commandos on Kamino. He trained the clone commandos of Galaar Squad, but lost two of them, most likely during training. He remained a member of the Cuy'val Dar until 22 BBY, at which point the group dissolved.
The commandos avoided direct involvement in the war until the rise of the Galactic Empire, when they were drafted into service and merged with another commando unit, Omega Squad, which had two members desert from the Grand Army. This combined force was designated as Squad 40. However, on their initial mission, Bry met his end at the hands of a Jedi Knight named Iri Camas. IC-4447, while carrying out a routine operation to eliminate any Jedi encountered, inadvertently caused the death of a civilian. He subsequently committed suicide, possibly due to Bry's death or the civilian's death.