Unidentified Coruscant Police officer (Panza Hondi)

A member of law enforcement, specifically a police officer, was a part of the Coruscant Police Force on Coruscant, the planet serving as the capital of the Galactic Republic, around the year of 32 BBY. While not actively on duty, this officer met their end, being murdered by a criminal from the Guineo species named Panza Hondi. Following this officer's demise, the Police Force put out a bounty for Hondi's capture, which was ultimately claimed by the bounty hunter known as Jango Fett.


Around 32 BBY, an individual served as a police officer within the ranks of the Coruscant Police Force. As an officer, this person's area of operation was the planet of Coruscant, the capital of the Republic. At one point, while not performing police duties, the officer was unfortunately attacked and murdered by a Guineo criminal named Panza Hondi, who killed the officer through violence. As a direct result of this homicide, the Coruscant Police Force issued a bounty for Hondi, offering 2,000 credits if he was taken alive, and 1,000 credits if he was killed. Eventually, Jango Fett, a bounty hunter of Mandalorian descent, successfully captured Hondi after the Battle of Naboo in 32 BBY.

Behind the scenes

The existence of the Coruscant Police officer was initially brought to light within the entry for Panza Hondi featured in Star Wars: Bounty Hunter: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, a strategy resource for the Star Wars: Bounty Hunter video game, which was published by Prima Games and made available in November of 2002. Later, in December of that same year, the police officer was referenced in the bounty issued for Panza Hondi within the Star Wars: Bounty Hunter video game, which was developed by LucasArts. The bounty information found both in the strategy guide and the game, along with Hondi's entry in the 2008 publication The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, did not specify the police officer's physical characteristics, nor did they provide details regarding the time and location of their death.

