
The Guineo were a sentient species that walked on two legs and originated from the planet called Dohlban. On their homeworld, they were frequently employed in roles demanding physical labor. These beings were generally tall and had a strong physique. However, Guineo possessed limited intelligence and struggled with complex decision-making, which confined many of them to very basic jobs. Numerous Guineo were recruited by criminal syndicates operating beyond their home planet. One such organization was Haugg Nerf Industries, situated in the Industrial District of Coruscant. Several Guineo were employed at this company, which was ostensibly a nerf-meat processing plant. However, it secretly served as a conduit for smuggling hallucinogenic death sticks from Sebolto, a crime lord on Malastare, for distribution on Coruscant. Yol Areebi, J'Meeb Gumb, and Panza Hondi were among the Guineo who worked at Haugg Nerf Industries.

Biology and appearance

Guineo were a bipedal species that displayed sentience. They were characterized by pale-yellow skin and possessed two arms, each terminating in a large hand with four fingers. These beings were powerfully built and of considerable size, with an average height exceeding two meters. Their legs were proportionally shorter than their arms. Each individual had a tall, elongated, and hairless head, a thick, wrinkled neck, and a face adorned with two red eyes. Furthermore, Guineo had a sizable mouth and a pair of small, sharply pointed ears positioned on either side of their heads. The Guineo species included a male sex. At least one Guineo found cold temperatures to be an unpleasant experience.

Society and culture

Within the spectrum of sentient species, the Guineo were among the least intellectually gifted in the galaxy. Their limited cognitive abilities rendered them largely incapable of making intricate decisions, thus confining them to roles involving simple tasks. Guineo were able to acquire proficiency in speaking Basic. Many Guineo laborers residing in the Industrial District of Coruscant, the Galactic Republic's capital planet, wore jumpsuits distinguished by a prominent metallic plate on the front. These jumpsuits featured two tubes connecting the upper chest area to a small tank carried on their backs. Guineo guards of this type also wore gloves and goggles.


The Guineo species originated on the planet Dohlban, situated within the Dohlban system in the Dohlbani sector of the Mid Rim. This star system was located along the Kaaga Run, beyond the system that housed Void Station.

Guineo in the galaxy

A Guineo criminal named Panza Hondi

On their native world of Dohlban, the Guineo were employed as manual laborers. However, some were also recruited by criminal organizations from other planets to serve as enforcers. In general, members of the Guineo species were relegated to performing rudimentary tasks due to their deficient decision-making capabilities. In the year 32 BBY, certain Guineo were employed in the Industrial District of Coruscant, the galactic capital planet. Haugg Nerf Industries, a company situated in that district, employed Guineo as guards. While Haugg Nerf Industries presented itself as a nerf-meat processing facility owned by Groff Haugg, a non-Guineo alien, the plant was, in reality, a front for the distribution of death sticks supplied by Sebolto, a Dug crime lord from the planet Malastare, to individuals on Coruscant.

Among the numerous Guineo working at the facility were Yol Areebi, J'Meeb Gumb, Panza Hondi, and a recently hired guard tasked with overseeing a speeder hangar where death sticks were stored before distribution. Areebi had previously engaged in slavery and had a bounty placed on him by the Republic Security Force for providing natives from the Forest Moon of Endor to an illegal Cron Drift mining facility. Gumb was wanted by an unidentified party for manipulating the deck in a high-stakes sabacc game using a skifter. The Coruscant Police sought Hondi for the murder of one of their police officers. In 32 BBY, Jango Fett, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, infiltrated Haugg Nerf Industries to acquire information from the owner, Groff Haugg, regarding the origin of the death sticks. Upon entering Haugg Nerf through the hangar, Fett overheard the newly employed guard and his Draag supervisor discussing the operation. As Fett navigated the facility, he was attacked by guards, including several Guineo armed with blasters or thermal wrenches. While inside Haugg Nerf, the bounty hunter encountered Hondi and claimed the bounty on his head.

In addition to capturing Hondi on one of the facility's walkways, Fett apprehended J'Meeb Gumb near a control panel and captured Yol Areebi in a corridor shortly before discovering Groff Haugg, who had been killed by Montross, another Mandalorian bounty hunter.

Behind the scenes

The initial official depiction of a Guineo individual was featured on the cover of Star Wars Gamer 10 in April 2002 to promote a preview article for the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. Upon the release of Star Wars: Bounty Hunter in December 2002, Guineo appeared as guards in Haugg Nerf Industries, the second stage of the game's second level. A Guineo guard is prominently featured in a cutscene preceding the stage, depicting the guard and a Draag supervisor conversing about their guarding duties while Jango Fett secretly entered the facility.

Besides the standard guards, three of the Guineo within the level had secondary bounties placed on them, which Fett, controlled by the player, had the chance to collect. These three Guineo were Yol Areebi, J'Meeb Gumb, and Panza Hondi. Each of the Guineo bounties awarded twice as many credits for alive capture as for killing the target. Gumb and Hondi would fight Fett if attacked, while Areebi would simply cower and allow capture upon approach. All Guineo in the level, including the three bounties, shared the same character model. This article was written assuming the player collected every bounty at the highest reward possible, but the only Guineo bounty canonically confirmed to have been collected by Jango Fett was Hondi. This information regarding Hondi was included in his entry in the 2008 book The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, although it did not specify whether Fett captured him alive or killed him. While game artwork depicted the Guineo species with red-colored eyes, the in-game model's graphics made it impossible to determine if they had red eyes or simply red-tinted lenses on their goggles. This article assumed the artwork was correct, given the higher quality of the image compared to the in-game Guineo model.

