During the final years of the Galactic Republic, there existed a male Guineo criminal known as Yol Areebi. By the time 32 BBY arrived, Areebi had already established himself as an enslaver, earning him a wanted status by the Republic Security Force. His crimes included the kidnapping of indigenous members of a species from the Forest Moon of Endor, whom he transported to an illicit mining facility situated in the Cron Drift to be used as forced labor. In that very year, Areebi found employment at Haugg Nerf Industries, a nerf-packing establishment that served as a front for the distribution of death sticks. This operation was based in the Industrial District of the planet Coruscant. It was there that the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett collected the bounty on Areebi. Fett's presence at the facility was part of an infiltration mission aimed at gathering intelligence on Komari Vosa, the leader of the shadowy criminal syndicate known as the Bando Gora.
Yol Areebi, a male criminal of the Guineo race, lived his life during the decline of the Galactic Republic. By 32 BBY, Areebi had engaged in enslaving activities, notably abducting members of a species native to the Forest Moon of Endor and transporting them to an unlawful mining facility located in the Cron Drift, where they were forced into slave labor. However, while present in the Industrial District of the Republic's capital planet, Coruscant, the Republic Security Force issued a bounty for his capture due to his involvement in delivering slaves to the mining facility. This bounty specified Areebi's last known whereabouts as the Industrial District and offered a reward of 2,000 credits for his live capture, or 1,000 credits for his death. During this time, Areebi had associations with numerous enslavers and mercenaries.
In 32 BBY, Areebi's employment led him to Haugg Nerf Industries in the Industrial Sector. This nerf-packing plant, owned by Groff Haugg, served as a facade for the distribution of death sticks, an illegal narcotic. That same year, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett infiltrated Haugg Nerf Industries. His objective was to uncover information that would guide him to Komari Vosa, a former Jedi who was then leading the Bando Gora, a clandestine criminal cult believed to be behind the growing demand for death sticks.
Fett, after navigating through the majority of Haugg Nerf Industries in search of Haugg, encountered Areebi in one of the facility's hallways. Areebi, upon the bounty hunter's approach, simply cowered and was captured so Fett could claim the bounty on his head.
Yol Areebi, like many of his Guineo species, possessed a height exceeding two meters and hairless, pale yellow skin. Known for associating with various enslavers and hired guns, Areebi demonstrated a willingness to supply an illegal facility with abducted individuals for slave labor.
However, Areebi showed a lack of bravery when confronted by Jango Fett at Haugg Nerf Industries, opting to cower rather than engage in combat.
During his time at Haugg Nerf Industries, Areebi was seen wearing a yellow jumpsuit featuring a gray plate on the front, connected by tubes to two silver-colored tanks on the back. The jumpsuit was also adorned with white stripes along the sleeves and around the collar. Complementing the jumpsuit, Areebi wore light-gray gloves, dark-gray boots, and a pair of gray goggles.
Yol Areebi's debut occurred in Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, a video game developed by LucasArts and released in December of 2002. Prior to his appearance in the game, he was featured in Star Wars: Bounty Hunter: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, the game's official guide published by Prima Games and released in November of the same year. Within the game, Areebi is one of five bounty targets located in the Industrial District, which is the second level set on Coruscant, the game's second world.
Furthermore, Areebi stands out as the only Guineo character in the game who refuses to fight, choosing instead to cower when approached by the player. The game also omits specifying the species of the Endor natives he supplied to the illegal mining facility. The moon's native species include Duloks, Ewoks, Gorphs, and Yuzzums. In Bounty Hunter, the player assumes the role of Jango Fett, and since capturing Areebi's bounty is not a mandatory objective for completing the game, the player has multiple options. The player can ignore Areebi, kill him without claiming the bounty, kill him and claim the bounty, or capture him alive and claim the bounty. This article assumes Fett captured Areebi alive, as this yields the highest possible reward.