
Reptilian humanoids with a stocky build, known as Draags, hailed from the planet called Ninzam VI. Because they were cold-blooded, they frequently used temperature-regulating suits when they were not on their homeworld. Their inherent aggression, sharp minds, and ambitious nature made them ideally suited to be supervisors; furthermore, some Draags utilized their skill with blasters as members of security teams. In the year 32 BBY, a number of Draags were employed by Haugg Nerf Industries within the Industrial District located on the planet Coruscant. Regg Kuuga and Slaag Lado, two Draag fugitives, were among them. While Jango Fett, a bounty hunter, was traversing the plant to capture Groff Haugg, the boss, he apprehended both Draags.

Biology and appearance

As a species of sentient reptilian humanoids, Draags each possessed a stocky, burly physique covered in pale, yellow skin. A broad, rounded cranium rested on a thick neck in each Draag. Their faces featured a wide, lipless mouth, a small, pug-like nose with four nostrils, and a pair of squinting eyes situated beneath heavy brows. On each side of the head, there was a small ear hole, and the top and back of the skull had several bony protrusions. Their hands had four fingers. As a cold-blooded species, they were divided into male and female sexes.

Society and culture

The Draags were well-known for their ferocity and intelligence, as well as their natural talent for using blaster weapons. They were inclined to boss others around, which made them ideal for supervisory positions, particularly in security. They possessed access to galactic-standard technology, and some Draags became demolition experts. To control their body temperatures in harsh environments, the species used specialized environment suits. A typical suit consisted of a jumpsuit that covered the entire body, a pair of gloves and boots, a chestplate, and a helmet. A strap was positioned just below the nostrils, spanning the upper lip.


The Draag species originated on the planet Ninzam VI. Following their introduction to the galaxy, which occurred sometime between 3000 and 1004 BBY, the Ninzam system was incorporated into the Ryndellian sector of the Mid Rim. The Draag homeworld was located in unaligned or contested space from 1004 to 1000 BBY during the New Sith Wars. By the conclusion of the Clone Wars, it was located in space controlled by the Galactic Republic. Around 25 ABY, the Draag's home region had an average of 10 to 100 million people per star system. By 137 ABY, the Sith Lord Darth Krayt claimed the species' territory as part of his Galactic Empire.

Draags in the galaxy

Draags often worked as supervisors over members of other species, such as Guineo.

Draags who ventured beyond Ninzam VI often found employment in supervisory roles at large manufacturing facilities, and they were particularly sought after as security detail leaders. Because their natural metabolisms were unable to handle the chilly temperatures that Draags frequently encountered when they left their home planet, they frequently relied on temperature-regulating body suits.

In 32 BBY, Haugg Nerf Industries, a nerf-meat-processing facility situated in the Industrial District of Coruscant, employed numerous Draags. To combat the factory's cold temperatures, they all wore orange jumpsuits and carried blasters. One Draag oversaw the hangar where the plant received deliveries from approaching speeders. The hangar chief was aware that the plant was actually a front for the unlawful processing and transshipment of potent narcotics known as death sticks, even though other employees, including a Guineo guard under the Draag's supervision, were kept in the dark about such activities. The Draag left to notify Groff Haugg, the plant's owner, when a pilotless speeder showed up one day. Jango Fett, a bounty hunter who had broken into the plant to collect the bounty on Haugg's head, stopped him.

While pursuing Haugg, Fett came across two Draag criminals who were wanted in the factory. Regg Kuuga, the first, was wanted by the Coruscant police for stealing expensive medical frigates, disassembling them for parts, and building attack cruisers to harass tourists visiting the planet. The bounty hunter attacked the Draag on an elevated walkway.

Kuuga was subsequently apprehended alive.

Slaag Lado, another employee of the plant, also had a bounty on his head. Lado, who had connections to the Calamasthon Defiance and was known to be a Draag demolitionist, was regarded as a terrorist by the Mon Calamari Civil Authority, who held him accountable for causing a seismic disaster in the Salinrerian Sea that resulted in significant environmental damage and ongoing rainfall. The bounty hunter apprehended Lado when Fett discovered him at the conclusion of a corridor.

Behind the scenes

The April 2002 preview for the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, which was published in Star Wars Gamer 10 magazine, features an illustration of a Draag in an enviro-suit that was drawn by Cory Allemeier. This image marked the canon Star Wars debut of the species. The bounty hunter Jango Fett must battle through Draags and their allies in the second level of the video game itself, which was released in December 2002, in order to apprehend the criminal Groff Haugg. Fett may catch or kill two Draags with bounties on their heads along the way. Although doing so is not required to advance in the game, The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which was released in December 2008, states in its entry on Lado that Fett really does capture the fugitive Slaag Lado. The story above makes the assumption that Fett also apprehends Regg Kuuga because doing so gives the bounty hunter the highest possible reward for the level.

