Though born into royalty as the offspring of King Gorneesh and Queen Urgah—the leaders of a clan of Duloks residing in a bog situated on the Forest Moon of Endor—this Princess was quite the handful. She, along with her two brothers and sisters, constantly annoyed their mother to such an extent that the Queen instructed her spouse to secure a caregiver. Consequently, Gorneesh arranged for the capture of the female Ewok named Latara to supervise the trio. When a group of performers known as the Travelling Jindas arrived to put on a show for the community, the Dulok children were present; therefore, they were witnesses to the rescue of Latara from Gorneesh and Urgah by her friends. During these events, which unfolded in 3 ABY, the Dulok was just a young child and sported a pink shawl reminiscent of the one worn by Urgah. She already possessed the characteristic physical traits of her species, including green fur.

Born to parents Gorneesh and Urgah, who were the king and queen respectively of a clan of Duloks located on Endor's Forest Moon, the female Dulok was but a toddler in 3 ABY. On one particular day that year, the young one, adorned with a light-pink shawl, joined her brother and another sibling in tormenting their mother as the Queen attempted to manage household tasks inside the royal dwelling within the Dulok Swamp. As her contribution to the mayhem, the Princess seized Urgah's left leg and proceeded to nibble on her knee. With her children still clinging to her, Urgah commanded her husband to find a babysitter, lest he face a hungry evening.
The King dispatched a pair of guards to capture an Ewok from Bright Tree Village, a settlement situated in the nearby forest. The scouts soon returned with a young Ewok, gray-furred and named Latara, bound and ready for her new role. Gorneesh initiated what he deemed her "torture" by introducing her to the trio of Dulok cubs. The shawl-wearing toddler joined her siblings in welcoming their new babysitter with a combined tackle and wrestling match on the floor.
That evening, the Dulok Princess and her two siblings dragged Latara to the front of the audience for a performance by the Travelling Jindas, a group of wandering performers who had arrived in the swamp that day. The pups remained relatively still during the show, though they did participate with their peers in heckling certain acts. When Trebla, a Jinda magician, made an appearance, the shawl-wearing child was left with her parents and siblings as the performer invited Latara onto the stage to be his assistant. The Ewok was then whisked away as the Jindas swiftly packed up and departed the swamp; in fact, Latara's friends—the Ewoks Paploo, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, Teebo, and Wicket W. Warrick, all disguised in Jinda costumes—had orchestrated the show as a ruse to rescue their friend from the drudgery of child-watching slavery.

As a toddler in 3 ABY, the daughter of Gorneesh and Urgah was shorter than the average Dulok's height of 1.35 meters; she only reached the knee-height of most adult members of her species. Nevertheless, the cub exhibited the gray skin, brown eyebrows, brown nose, and green fur typical of Duloks. She also possessed white eyes. At the time when Urgah demanded a babysitter for the child, the Princess wore a light-pink shawl similar to the one worn by the family's female leader. The Dulok toddler also wore a golden hairband. She had only two prominent teeth, both canines that extended upward from her lower jaw.
Like the rest of her siblings, the Dulok Princess was boisterous and disobedient, making the task of caring for her akin to torture. In one instance, the child clung to Urgah's leg and bit her knee, all while giggling menacingly. When the child's parents hired the Ewok Latara to babysit her, the pup joined her siblings in tackling the new arrival and pummeling her on the ground of Gorneesh and Urgah's home. Later, however, the toddler attentively observed a performance by the Travelling Jindas.
The Travelling Jindas, an episode from the first season of the animated television series Ewoks, marked the debut of the Dulok Princess when it was initially broadcast on October 5, 1985. This episode, directed by Raymond Jafelice and written by Bob Carrau, was later incorporated into the DVD feature film Tales from the Endor Woods, which was first released in 2004.