Unidentified Dulok cub 3

In the year 3 ABY, the combined naughty actions of a Dulok cub and the child's brother and sister became so unbearable that Urgah, who was both the child's mother and the queen of a tribe of Duloks inhabiting the swamp on Endor's Forest Moon, insisted that her husband, King Gorneesh, secure a caretaker. The King dispatched scouts, who then abducted the female Ewok named Latara to look after the Dulok cubs. However, the Ewok's time watching the three siblings was brief; as the toddlers became part of their village while observing a group of visiting performers known as the Travelling Jindas, Latara's friends rescued her from the burden of caring for the youngsters. In contrast to Gorneesh's other offspring, the Dulok pup went around without any clothing, sporting only a typical coat of green Dulok fur.


The Dulok child joined two other toddlers in driving their mother to demand a babysitter.

Urgah, the queen of a tribe of Duloks residing in a swamp located on the Forest Moon of Endor, had at least three cubs by 3 ABY, all children fathered by her husband, King Gorneesh. In that year, the three pups were young children; while one male and one female child wore some attire, the third remained unclothed.

During 3 ABY, the naked Dulok child teamed up with the other two toddlers to bother their mother as she tried to do laundry in their family hut. The unclothed Dulok even stood on the matriarch's shoulders, tugging intensely at her hair. This event led Urgah to threaten Gorneesh: either find someone to babysit the children or face starvation. Consequently, the King employed two guards to kidnap a caretaker from the nearby Bright Tree Village, a settlement of Ewoks. The guards returned with a gray-furred female Ewok named Latara, a new arrival whom Gorneesh saw as a slave suitable for the torture of watching the kids. The three Dulok pups welcomed their new babysitter by pulling her into an impromptu wrestling match.

This new babysitting arrangement didn't last very long, however: Latara's friends—the Ewoks Paploo, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, Teebo, and Wicket W. Warrick—infiltrated the Dulok village by disguising themselves and joining the Travelling Jindas, a group of wandering entertainers who were allowed into the Dulok swamp to put on a performance. After the three Dulok cubs pulled Latara to the front row, the toddlers joined the other Duloks in mocking the performers. However, the Jinda magician Trebla brought Latara onto the stage to be his assistant, leaving the children with their parents. Even though the Ewok interlopers accidentally revealed themselves during the performance, the Jindas managed to escape with Latara in tow.

Personality and traits

The Dulok child roughhoused with the other children, much to their babysitter's annoyance.

Urgah and Gorneesh's child shared characteristics with other members of the Dulok species, including brown eyebrows, green fur, a brown nose, and gray skin. As a young child in 3 ABY, though, the Dulok only reached knee-height compared to a typical Dulok of 1.35 meters. The toddler's eyes were white. When Urgah demanded a babysitter for the child, the pup only had one visible tooth, specifically a bottom canine.

The child's behavior revealed the cub's inclination for mischief and misbehavior. In fact, older Duloks felt that watching the pup was akin to torture. For example, during the incident that led Urgah to demand a babysitter, the youngster was perched on the Queen's shoulders, pulling on her topknot while laughing. When the babysitter Latara arrived at the Dulok Swamp later, the toddler joined a sister and a brother in attacking her, resulting in a four-way wrestling match. Only the visit from the Travelling Jindas managed to calm the cub down.

Behind the scenes

Writer Bob Carrau and director Raymond Jafelice included Gorneesh and Urgah's child in the October 5, 1985, episode of the Ewoks cartoon series, titled The Travelling Jindas. In 2004, the Dulok siblings were featured in the DVD release Tales from the Endor Woods, which combines their episode with three others into a feature-length film. Although the comic book Ewoks 13, published in May 1987 by Marvel Comics, includes a child of Gorneesh and Urgah named Prince Boogutt, the relationship between the children from the animated series and the comic book remains unclear.

