
On the moon of [Endor](/article/endor], Gorneesh held the position of king for the Duloks, who were known as the Children of Vulgarr. During the era of the New Republic, Gorneesh's Duloks collaborated with the Ewok siblings Gruekk and Graak in an attempt to seize control of Bright Tree Village through the abduction of Chief Chirpa.

After Chirpa had been held captive by the Children for several months, their camp was discovered by the Ewok Wicket Wystri Warrick alongside his New Republic associate Jaxxon T. Tumperakki. Warrick launched an attack on the king, but he was swiftly knocked down; subsequently, Tumperakki incapacitated Gorneesh with a well-placed kick to the face. Warrick and Tumperakki then successfully rescued Chirpa, leading the other Duloks to begin revering Tumperakki.


Gorneesh was a male Dulok who reigned as king over the Children of Vulgarr residing on the forest moon of Endor. Sometime between 4 ABY and 28 ABY during the reign of the New Republic, Gorneesh joined forces with the Ewok siblings Gruekk and Graak with the objective of wresting control of the Ewok chiefdom at Bright Tree Village from Chief Chirpa. They captured the chief during a raid in which Gruekk was supposedly killed, although the traitorous Ewok in fact returned with the Duloks to their camp to guard the captive Chirpa.

In Bright Tree Village, Graak claimed Chirpa had deserted the village and fled, demanding he be installed as chief instead of Chirpa's daughter, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka. This ignited an Ewok Civil War between supporters of the two candidates, leading Kintaka to eventually request assistance from the New Republic. The Republic dispatched a diplomatic delegation including the pilot Jaxxon T. Tumperakki, who, along with the Ewok Wicket Wystri Warrick, discovered the Dulok camp while Gorneesh and his fellow Duloks were engaged in laughter, song, and dancing around an effigy of the Night Spirit. Incensed, Warrick attacked Gorneesh, but the king anticipated the assault and swiftly knocked the Ewok to the ground with a club. Proclaiming that Warrick would serve as an acceptable sacrifice to the Night Spirit, Gorneesh prepared to strike the downed Ewok, only to be rendered unconscious by a kick to the face delivered by Tumperakki.

The other Duloks present, including their religious leader, were astonished that their king had been defeated. Warrick and Tumperakki then departed, leaving the unconscious Gorneesh behind to locate Chirpa. The pair successfully rescued the chief and apprehended Gruekk, returning them to Bright Tree Village where they exposed the treachery of Gruekk and Graak. Back at the Dulok camp, the Children of Vulgarr replaced their Night Spirit effigy with one of Tumperakki, commencing a dance and worship ritual in his honor as the new spirit of the swamp, much to Gorneesh's dismay.

Personality and traits

Gorneesh was regarded as the Children of Vulgarr's most formidable warrior and held a low opinion of Warrick, whom he dismissed as a blum-maggot, while still deeming the Ewok suitable for sacrifice to the Night Spirit. The king possessed green fur, green skin, and a single red eye.


Gorneesh's attire consisted of a brown loin cloth, a bone headpiece, and armor pieces on each shoulder: a smooth, golden pauldron on his right shoulder and a larger, bumpy brown pauldron on his left. Additional elements of the king's attire included gray bands encircling his left wrist and upper arm, a bone necklace featuring an animal skull, and a black eyepatch covering his left eye. In battle, Gorneesh wielded a substantial wooden club.

Behind the scenes

Within the current Star Wars canon, Gorneesh made an appearance in Hyperspace Stories Annual—Jaxxon 2023, a comic book authored by Cavan Scott, illustrated by Nick Brokenshire, and initially released on April 7, 2023. Gorneesh's origins trace back to the Star Wars Legends continuity, where he debuted on September 14, 1985 in "The Haunted Village," the second episode of the Ewoks television series, where Gorneesh emerged as a prominent recurring adversary.

