Unidentified freighter (Utapau)

A freighter variant was discovered on the planet of Utapau amidst the Clone Wars. During their mission to Utapau, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker took control of one of these vessels. They did so to chase after a Separatist shuttle that was transporting a massive kyber crystal to a Separatist supply ship.

Behind the scenes

Transport concept art by Chris Glenn

This freighter made its initial appearance in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television show's unfinished "Crystal Crisis on Utapau" arc, specifically in the third episode titled "Crystal Crisis," as a component of The Clone Wars Legacy. Chris Glenn created concept art for the ship and its escape pods, which he then shared on his ArtStation page, referring to the vessel as simply "Transport." Glenn's artwork shows a large-mouthed creature on the ship's exterior accompanied by aurebesh text above it; however, this detail was absent from the "Crystal Crisis on Utapau" story reels.

