Unidentified holobooth provider

A holobooth service provider could be found in the Underlevels of Coruscant, specifically within the Zi-Kree Sector. The owner of this establishment was a Human male who was balding.


The entrance to the establishment was situated on a dimly illuminated and isolated street within the Zi-Kree Sector. Upon entering, one would find a lobby featuring a dated plasteel ticket booth. Here, customers could pay for access to one of at least nine holobooths available. The price to rent a booth was one credit for every half hour of usage. Droids were permitted inside the booths, but only after a waiver had been signed.

Each booth was equipped with a contoured couch that faced a holoprojector. The booths were sized to accommodate a maximum of four individuals, although space was limited. Every booth included a door, operated by waving a hand over a sensor plate, that separated it from the lobby.


In 32 BBY, Lorn Pavan, I-5YQ, and Zippa, along with Zippa's bodyguard, Bilk, convened in booth nine to negotiate the acquisition of a Jedi Holocron from Zippa. Following the sale of the Holocron to Pavan, Zippa double-crossed Pavan and I-5YQ, seizing both the Holocron and Pavan's credits. After instructing Bilk to kill Pavan and I-5YQ, he departed the premises. However, the droid used Bilk's own blaster to eliminate Bilk, allowing Pavan and I-5YQ to flee the building.

