A youthful cadet of the male persuasion, attending the Galactic Empire's Vensenor Flight Academy, garnered the interest of both Commandant Bythen Forral and Proctor Gola Chall. This was due to the cadet exhibiting traits reminiscent of a celebrated starfighter ace [pilot](/article/pilot], coupled with their popularity amongst fellow cadets within the Imperial Academy.
The Imperial cadet was initially referenced, though without specific identification, within Dawn of Rebellion. This canon roleplaying sourcebook, released in 2018, draws inspiration from both Star Wars Rebels and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Fantasy Flight Games published the book, with authorship attributed to John Dunn, Tom Sorenson, Sterling Hershey, Jonathan Julius, Keith Ryan Kappel, Tim Huckelberry, Jason Marker, and James M. Spahn.