Unidentified Mandalorian clan (Ung Kusp)

A group of Mandalorian mercenaries who were part of a clan, all of whom were devoted to Ung Kusp, were contracted to retrieve a Sith artifact. This artifact had been pilfered by a cyberneticist from the Outer Rim quite some time before the Clone Wars occurred. The Mandalorians were hired for this task.

After forcing their way into the facility belonging to the cyberneticist, the Mandalorians came face-to-face with Master Jaing and Durge, both of whom were enemies of Kusp. Additionally, they encountered Nubyl, an associate of the doctor. These three defenders, augmented by cybernetic improvements supplied by the doctor, managed to inflict significant losses on the clan. However, they were ultimately defeated when a thermal detonator exploded.

One of the clan then recovered the artifact, taunting and menacing Jaing before being fatally disemboweled by Jaing's horns. In the process, Jaing received a deadly blaster wound. Durge, now furious and recovered, retaliated by killing a large number of the clan members, vowing revenge on all Mandalorians. The entire conflict was actually a scheme orchestrated by the doctor to instigate a war between the Mandalorians and the Sith.

The clan viewed Durge as some kind of monstrous beast, and Jaing as a betrayer of Ung Kusp. Jaing, on the other hand, believed that Kusp was the one who had betrayed him.

