Unidentified Near-Duros

This criminal, a Near-Duros, was affiliated with the criminal organization led by Lemo and Sanda.


Encountering "Captain Drebble"

Around the year 3 ABY, this lawbreaker was astonished when Chewbacca walked into the gang's hideout, seemingly confused by the presence of a Wookiee on Arcan IV. When Lando Calrissian, disguised as "Captain Drebble," also entered the base, the Near-Duros supported his bosses, Lemo and Sanda, as they challenged the confident captain. After Koruu confronted the stranger and met an abrupt end, the Duros was shocked, but he remained with the gang when they collected the Wookiee and "Drebble" at the Arcan IV Spaceport for a dinner engagement.

The Near-Duros criminal is attacked by Chewbacca.

When "Drebble" made a mistake during dinner, revealing himself to be Lando Calrissian, the Near-Duros drew his weapon on the Rebel. However, Chewbacca managed to save his friend by swinging his bench at the gang, hitting the Near-Duros and sending him flying. He recovered, however, and joined Lemo and Sanda in their hover car as they pursued Chewbacca and Calrissian back to the Spaceport. Unfortunately for the criminal, during the chase, Chewbacca jumped into their vehicle, ejecting everyone from the moving craft.

Second Meeting

At a later time, after the Battle of Endor, the Near-Duros found himself on Keyorin, the "Hunter's World," where he noticed Han Solo, "Captain Drebble," and his Wookiee partner alongside Han Solo. As the trio exited Barpotomous Drebble's tavern, the Near-Duros and his bald companion gave chase down the street. The three Rebels were also being pursued by bounty hunters working for Barpotomous Drebble, and the Near-Duros was unable to catch the group before they were stunned by Drebble's crew. The two gang members managed to persuade Drebble to hand over Solo and Chewbacca, and they took the pair back to Lemo and Sanda.

The Near-Duros and his bald companion train their weapons on Barpotomous Drebble.

After suspending Solo and Chewie with energy binders, Lemo questioned them about the location of the Dancing Goddess, a statue the gang was after. Solo convinced the gang that "Captain Drebble" possessed the statue, so they immediately left to confront Barpotomous and his prisoner "Captain Drebble." However, simultaneously, Solo and Chewie broke free from their energy binders and opened fire on Lemo and Sanda's gang. In the ensuing brief gunfight, Barpotomous Drebble's bounty hunters caught the gang in a crossfire. As the gang was swiftly eliminated, the Near-Duros was killed by IG-88A.

Production Notes

In a scene near the conclusion of "The Big Con," as Chewbacca prepares to jump into Lemo and Sanda's car, the Near-Duros is visible in profile. The profile appears to depict the criminal with a nose. In "The Hero," one panel also seems to show the Near-Duros with ears.

In "The Hero," the Near-Duros' skin tone seems to alternate between yellow and green. This may indicate that the pirate is actually a full Duros, with artistic inaccuracies regarding his appearance and skin color.

