This version of the Nune-class Imperial shuttle functioned as a transport for the Galactic Federation Triumvirate around 138 ABY.
This shuttle exhibited enhanced speed and maneuverability when compared to the standard Nune-class. While it bore a strong resemblance to the primary model, it was distinguished by smaller, angled rear wings and a prominent fin situated atop a reduced main fuselage. A key difference from the Nune was the apparent absence of folding wings, a feature present in earlier Imperial shuttles like the Lambda-class and Theta-class.
Around 138 ABY, Empress Marasiah Fel dispatched Imperial Knight Yalta Val to Carreras Major to assist with the building of a novel communications array intended to link the Outer Rim Territories with Coruscant. During its journey, his shuttle faced an assault within the Surd Nebula and subsequently made an emergency landing on an unknown planet. Val then endured an additional attack from a pair of Sith, leading to the destruction of the shuttle, the deaths of its crew and his squad of Stormtroopers, and the loss of his lightsaber.