Unidentified Queen of Naboo (New Republic)

A Human woman reigned as Naboo's Queen during the New Republic's prime. Emulating her predecessors, she donned traditional attire and makeup while ruling over the planet of Naboo. She was known to favor outdoor pursuits like riding guarlaras or hunting alongside her pet twirrls.


Sometime after the establishment of the New Republic in 4 ABY, a youthful female Human ascended to become the Queen of the Human population residing on Naboo, the primary planet within the Chommell sector. When the renowned zoologist Lyrre T'enna arrived to study Naboo's wildlife, the Queen granted her permission to join the royal twirrling, hunting expeditions, and guarlara rides. T'enna quickly sketched the Queen with her mounts, pet twirrls, handmaidens, and Nabooian Royal Guards. The monarch was also shown cradling voorpaks, small, furry creatures traditionally kept as mascots by noblewomen. T'enna's colored illustrations were later included in the published iteration of her field journal.

Personality and traits

During Lyrre T'enna's visit, the Queen of Naboo appeared as a young woman, distinguished by reddish-brown hair, fair skin, and grey eyes.


The Queen was adorned in the elaborate, weighty, and highly-structured regalia associated with the Royal House, some pieces of which were colored in various pastel hues. Similar to Padmé Amidala, a previous ruler during the final days of the Galactic Republic, the Queen wore traditional makeup, featuring stylized beauty marks and the red scar of remembrance—a symbol commemorating Naboo's Time of Suffering before the Great Time of Peace, initiated by King Jafan around 832 BBY.

The Queen would sometimes go twirrling with other ladies of the court on a royal white-furred gualama. She also maintained a royal herd of guarlaras for riding. In T'enna's depictions, she rode sidesaddle, positioning both legs on one side of the mount, allowing her to wear elegant, flowing garments befitting her status while riding.

Behind the scenes

The unnamed Queen of Naboo was featured in The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide, a 2001 guide authored by Terryl Whitlatch and Bob Carrau, and released by Chronicle Books. Whitlatch also provided the illustrations for the book, repurposing many conceptual designs she had originally developed for the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.

Throughout the guide's Naboo section, the Queen is shown four times: engaging in falconry, mounting a guarlara, riding within a hunting party, and holding two voorpaks. While the book does not explicitly identify the woman as the Queen, she displays the scar of remembrance, a royal symbol. Furthermore, the guide notes that guarlaras are "ridden by monarchy only." Given that the field journal's foreword states that all of T'enna's sketches were created "on-site" and "on the fly," the zoologist must have personally encountered the Queen.


  • The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide (First pictured)
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 100 (NAB 41-44: Naboo – Animals) (Picture only)

Notes and references
