Unidentified Sith Lord (Darth Bane's first Ruusan victim)

A Sith Lord, a male of the Human species, served within Skere Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness as a Dark Lord of the Sith during the concluding years of the New Sith Wars. The individual underwent training at the Sith Academy situated on the planet of Korriban in 1002 BBY. He and his fellow students achieved the rank of Sith Lord in 1000 BBY. During the Ruusan campaign, the man participated in the fifth battle on the planet Ruusan. After the Army of Light triumphed over the Sith, he sustained severe injuries. Darth Bane, another Lord who did not participate in the battle, discovered the dying man being comforted by the native Bouncers. Following a discussion with Bane regarding the preceding conflict and the state of the Sith Order, Bane ended the Sith Lord's life by using his boot to crush his skull against the rocks supporting him.


Darth Bane killed the injured Sith Lord.

In the year 1002 BBY, amidst the New Sith Wars, a male Human began training as an apprentice at the Sith Academy located on the planet of Korriban. Two years later, due to the growing demand for Sith Lords to combat the Jedi Order's Army of Light, the man was promoted to the rank of Sith Lord within Skere Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness. He, along with the majority of the other Academy apprentices, was dispatched to the planet Ruusan, where he eventually took part in the fifth battle of the campaign, which resulted in a defeat for the Brotherhood. During the battle, the Sith Lord's lightsaber was destroyed, and he suffered a severe stomach wound, although he managed to support himself by leaning against some rocks. Four Bouncers—members of a telepathic species indigenous to Ruusan—also started projecting thoughts of tranquility and peace into the injured man's mind.

After Darth Bane, who had been one of his fellow students on Korriban, arrived on Ruusan near the battle site, the man encountered him. Upon realizing that a report from Kaan stating Bane had died was false, the man expressed his joy at dying in what he considered a glorious fight, a sentiment Bane did not share. As Bane turned to leave, the man tugged at his heel, but Bane lifted his boot and crushed the man's head against the rocks supporting him. Before killing him, Bane revealed that he had claimed the title of "Darth," which Kaan had banned to prevent infighting within his organization. Bane then manipulated Kaan into destroying the Brotherhood of Darkness, and secretly established a new order of Sith Lords, restricting the Sith to a Master and an apprentice.

Personality and traits

The Sith Lord was a fair-skinned Human male with a red circular tattoo covering part of his forehead. He also possessed blue eyes, wore Sith robes, and utilized a lightsaber in combat. The man considered it an honor to die fighting the Jedi and attempted to persuade Bane to assist him. Bane considered the man so insignificant that he didn't bother to learn his name.

Powers and abilities

The Sith Lord was sensitive to the Force, but Darth Bane considered him one of the lesser apprentices at the Korriban Sith Academy. Although he survived the conclusion of the fifth battle, he sustained a fatal wound in the process.

Behind the scenes

The Sith Lord was first introduced in the second issue of the Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith comic miniseries, written by Darko Macan. Ramón F. Bachs provided the pencils for the comic. The character later appeared in Drew Karpyshyn's novel Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, which elaborated on the titular character's background. The events surrounding the Sith Lord's death at Bane's hands were identical in both the comic and the novel. However, the novel presented some differences, such as the length of the conversation between the Sith and Bane, and some variations in the Sith Lord's physical condition.

