This Solay Rebel functioned as a mercenary located on the planet called Solay.
This particular rebel demonstrated allegiance to Raggold's-led revolutionary faction and participated in the Solay Civil War. His dedication, however, was contingent upon monetary compensation, enabling him to sustain a lavish lifestyle funded by the rebel organization. In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, the revolutionaries from Solay secretly received financial backing from an Imperial Governor with the aim of toppling the Solay Royal Court. The affluent rebel overheard whispers regarding this clandestine support, remaining ignorant of Raggold's orchestration of the covert alliance with the Empire.
Following the Solay rebels' successful overthrow of the government and the capture of King Blackart, the Imperial Governor's military forces moved in to seize control of the planet. Realizing his imminent demise, the rebel sought refuge in a brothel, resolving to indulge in self-gratification during his final moments. It was within this establishment that he encountered Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Knight endeavoring to uncover the individual responsible for betraying the rebel movement to the Imperials. Skywalker's pursuit led him to the rebel, guided by Scamp, a local thief motivated by the prospect of pilfering the rebel's wealth.

Skywalker subjected the rebel to a brutal interrogation, employing the Force to hurl him against a wall and utilizing a Force choke technique. Overcome with panic, the rebel divulged the rumors he had heard concerning Imperial funding of the revolution, implicating a spy within the court as the traitor. Skywalker discerned that the rebel possessed only secondhand knowledge and, frustrated, considered ending his life. Ultimately, he refrained from doing so, releasing the man and admonishing him for his egocentric existence. The rebel retorted that he was already a condemned man and would spend his remaining hours as he pleased. As Skywalker and Scamp departed, the rebel accused the Jedi of hypocrisy, asserting that he was engaging in torture of innocent individuals. Shortly thereafter, the Imperials consolidated their dominion over the planet, and the rebel was presumably executed by the Imperial Governor's troops.