
A youthful thief operated on the planet of Solay, and he was known as Scamp.


Early life

Scamp's birth occurred during the era of the Galactic Empire. He was a member of a large family residing in the slums of the planet of Solay. His father, Scamp's father, instructed him in the art of stealing from the affluent residents of the town. By training him in various thieving techniques, Scamp's father transformed him into a skilled pickpocket. Although Scamp was obligated to surrender the majority of his stolen goods to his father, he always made sure to conceal the most valuable items for himself. Eventually, Scamp developed a reputation that granted him access to the less reputable areas of the planet, including local cantinas. It was in one of these establishments that Scamp made the acquaintance of Braxas, an infochant.

Meeting Luke Skywalker

In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, revolutionaries on Solay, under the leadership of the freedom fighter Raggold, initiated an uprising against the Solay Royal Court. However, due to a traitor within the rebel ranks, an Imperial fleet commanded by the local Imperial governor swiftly incorporated the world into the Empire. Luke Skywalker, a Rebel hero who had participated in the recent battle, was in search of the traitor when he encountered Scamp. Perceiving an easy target, Scamp attempted to pilfer Skywalker's lightsaber but was discovered in the act. Skywalker informed the young thief that he was seeking the traitor, and Scamp offered his assistance, motivated by the prospect of financial gain.

Prior to commencing their search, Scamp disclosed information regarding the traitor, revealing to the Rebel that the Imperial Governor had financed the rebellion against the Solay Royal Court in order to seize control of the planet afterward. Scamp guided Skywalker to the residence of a wealthy rebel soldier, intending to rob the man during Skywalker's interrogation. While Skywalker employed the Force to intimidate the man, Scamp filled a sack with stolen riches. However, the man possessed no knowledge of the traitor, and Scamp and Skywalker departed. Skywalker, disheartened by the lack of progress, reprimanded Scamp for stealing from the wealthy rebel. Scamp defended his actions, asserting that he had only stolen from a fellow thief.

Confronting Blackart

Scamp proposed that they visit the Solay spaceport to question the former leader of the world, King Blackart, who was likely to attempt to flee the world by commandeering a ship. As Scamp had predicted, they found Blackart at the spaceport, but when confronted, Blackart attacked Skywalker, knocking him to the ground and escaping to a nearby rocket ship. Determined to prevent Blackart's escape, Scamp assisted Skywalker in getting back on his feet, equipping him with a wing pack, and positioning him on a jump platform. By activating a lever on the platform, Skywalker was launched high into the air, utilizing his pack to glide towards Blackart's departing ship. Skywalker destroyed Blackart's ship, causing the ex-King to crash land. Scamp and Skywalker interrogated Blackart, but the King also had no information regarding the traitor's identity.

Skywalker, discouraged by the fruitless search, wandered the streets, preoccupied with his thoughts on the situation. Scamp roused Skywalker from his contemplation, and the two returned to Scamp's hideout to deposit the stolen goods. Scamp received a warm welcome from his family, but his father berated him for returning with such a meager haul. Skywalker attempted to intervene, but Scamp restrained the Rebel. The two departed Scamp's home, where Skywalker began to empathize with the young boy. Scamp, developing a fondness for the Rebel soldier, led Skywalker to one final individual who might possess answers. At a local bar, Scamp introduced Skywalker to Braxas, who possessed information about the traitor. Braxas revealed that the traitor was Raggold, the leader of the Solay revolutionaries who had perished in battle. In exchange for the information, Braxas requested that Skywalker transport him off-world, and the two abandoned Scamp, escaping Solay in Skywalker's shuttle.

Personality and traits

Scamp was a bright young boy who financially supported his family through acts of theft targeting the wealthier residents of Solay. Scamp defended his thieving actions by stating that his perspective differed from that of others. His family held him in high regard, always pleased to see him return home. Nevertheless, his father frequently threatened the young boy, demanding improved results and a larger quantity of stolen goods from his son.

Behind the scenes

Ann Nocenti conceived Scamp for inclusion in Marvel's original Star Wars issue 89.

The name Scamp may indeed be a nickname, as the term "scamp" denotes a mischievous rascal. However, the boy identifies himself as "Scamp," and both his family and the inhabitants of Solay address him as Scamp. Nevertheless, Scamp's father refers to the boy as "the Scamp," suggesting that it is merely a nickname. Regardless, the boy's father, an abusive individual, may have named him Scamp as a means of further psychological abuse.

