Unidentified SPHA-T squadron

A group, or squadron, consisting of four Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery walkers fought for the Grand Army of the Republic in the Clone Wars. This conflict was between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Grand Master Yoda oversaw this squadron, which fought with other artillery squadrons in the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY.

When Master Yoda instructed his troops to focus their attacks on the closest retreating Separatist core ship, the squadron displayed its effectiveness. The squadron successfully impaired the core ship's propulsion and anti-gravity mechanisms, leading to the ship's crash. Following this engagement, the squadron required replacement with artillery utilizing charged weaponry. Clone troopers and their leaders, the clone trooper officers, were the crew of the walkers during combat.

Behind the scenes

This squadron was seen, though not named, in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, a Star Wars saga movie that came out in 2002.

