Unidentified Tusken Raider (Anakin Skywalker)

A Tusken Raider made his home on Tatooine in the time of the Republic Era. This particular Tusken was acquired from the Hutts by a band of enslavers, whose plan involved implanting a transmitter chip within him. Nevertheless, the young enslaved boy Anakin Skywalker interfered with the group's speeder, resulting in its unexpected departure; while the group was diverted by this event, Skywalker released the Tusken, urging him to flee. At a later point, subsequent to Skywalker's liberation by the Jedi Order and his subsequent departure from the planet, the Tusken paid a visit to the home of his mother, Shmi. Despite Shmi's initial fear, the Tusken offered a black melon as a present. With the aid of the protocol droid C-3PO for translation, the Tusken shared the narrative of her son with Shmi.

