Unidentified village elder

A lower-class villager residing on the planet Wayyl was a human elder. She, along with her fellow villagers, abducted the son of Dagonet, who served as the planet's representative in the Galactic Senate, prompting the dispatch of the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Dooku for a rescue mission. However, Dooku swiftly discerned that the villagers all seemed involved in the kidnapping. The village elder confessed to the crime, emphasizing that Dagonet's extensive service to the Republic had only served to benefit him while neglecting his own people. She escorted Dooku and Qui-Gon Jinn to the barn, the location where the son was being held captive. The son conveyed that he had been treated kindly and expressed empathy for the people's struggles, stating his prior lack of awareness due to his frequent presence on Coruscant or in the planet's capital. Their conversation was disrupted by news of Dagonet's personal arrival, accompanied by soldiers. The elder rebuked the Jedi, accusing them of deception, but Dooku clarified that they had arrived without the Senator's awareness.

The villagers prepared for battle, and they exited the barn accompanied by the Jedi. Dooku tried to persuade Dagonet to de-escalate the situation, pointing out the validity of his people's grievances. The Senator declined, triggering an exchange of gunfire. The Jedi shielded the villagers, but several still fell victim to the attack. As fatalities increased, Dooku acted impulsively, using the Force to choke the Senator and forcefully pushing Jinn away when he attempted to intervene. Jinn re-entered the barn, released Dagonet's son from his restraints, and instructed him to go and save his father.

Dooku released the Senator because of the son's intervention, with the son showing disappointment in his father. As the father and son got ready to depart from the village, Dagonet's son solemnly assured the village elder that he would assist her people.

