These inhabitants were a sentient species with gray skin, originating from the planet called Xantar. A pilot of this species, known as "Bug-Eyes," hosted Luke Skywalker on Xantar as a guest.
This species was humanoid in form, exhibiting a body structure with a head, a torso, two arms, and two legs. In comparison to Humans, these beings possessed heads that were proportionally larger relative to the rest of their bodies. Their skin lacked any hair and displayed a light gray coloration. Their faces were characterized by sizable, opaque black eyes and a diminutive mouth, but lacked visible noses or external ears.
By the time of the Galactic Civil War, this gray-skinned species had achieved a space-level of technological advancement. This enabled them to travel beyond their own system in realspace using saucer-shaped starships, the design of which bore resemblance to a model of gunship utilized on R-Duba.
This gray-skinned species originated from Xantar, a planet located within the Corva sector of the Outer Rim region of the galaxy. Sometime after the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY, a member of this species, identified as "Bug-Eyes," encountered the young Human Luke Skywalker, a celebrated figure of the Rebel Alliance. Bug-Eyes extended an invitation to Skywalker to visit his home planet of Xantar, where he then introduced the Rebel to another Human by the name of Indiana Jones.
This species is intentionally designed to resemble the stereotypical image of aliens often believed to visit Earth, commonly referred to as Greys. A member of this species initially made an appearance at the conclusion of the video game Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures, where he transported Indy away in his flying saucer. He and Indiana Jones later reappeared in Yoda Stories as a reference to that earlier game.