The label gunship encompassed a wide array of spacecraft. This designation applied to both compact carriers designed for troop deployment and assault, and smaller capital ships. Typically boasting substantial weaponry and armor, gunships were engineered to overcome any impediments hindering mission success. Their common roles included troop transport, delivery of supplies, and providing escort. Certain models were specifically built to transport sizable ground vehicles, deploying them directly onto the field of combat. The Republic Gunship distinguished itself during the Clone Wars as one of the most frequently utilized small spacecraft within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic.
- Baktoid Fleet Ordnance HMP droid gunship (HMP)
- Haor Chall Engineering Mechanized Assault Flyer (MAF)
- KDY Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport/infantry (AIAT/i)
- Multi-Altitude Assault Transport (MAAT)
- RHE Low Altitude Assault Transport (LAAT)
- RHE Variable Altitude Assault Transport/enforcement (VAAT/e)
- Santhe/Sienar Technologies Turbostorm-class gunship
- RHE Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry
- Imperial Dropship Transport
- Nemesis-class gunship
It's interesting to note that in some Polish translations, the terms Gunship and Blastboat are both rendered as kanonierka (Gunboat). This translation choice obscures the distinctions between ship classifications, specifically between ships like the LAAT and the GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat (a heavily armed starfighter).