Turbostorm-class gunship

The Turbostorm-class gunship, manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems, represented a heavily armored gunship design. By the era of the Clone Wars, it was regarded as an archaic vessel.


These gunships possessed the capacity to transport a minimum of 24 troops within their cargo hold. The bay door operated by swinging outward and functioning as a deployment ramp. For armament, they featured KX-4 laser cannon turrets on the port and starboard sides, MG3 missiles positioned both fore and aft, and a Sunfire 1000 weapon system mounted on the undercarriage. Its robust armor provided protection against weaponry as powerful as a quad laser cannon. Essential adaptations for atmospheric operations incorporated turbojets, repulsorlifts, and antisepsis fields to shield the ship and its internal systems from metal-devouring and silicate-consuming fungi. While its maximum velocity was limited to only .5 beyond supersonic speeds, it still incorporated artificial gravity technology.


Sienar Fleet Systems produced the Turbostorm-class gunship sometime before the onset of the Clone Wars. The government of the Balawai people on Haruun Kal utilized these gunships during the Summertime War, having acquired them from the nearby planet of Opari and modified them for flight within an atmosphere. In 22 BBY, during the Clone Wars conflict, the Confederacy of Independent Systems freely provided these gunships to the Haruun Kal government.

The design of the Skipray Blastboat, a spacecraft conceived shortly before the Clone Wars began, drew heavily from the Turbostorm platform.

Behind the scenes

The Turbostorm-class gunship made its initial appearance in the 2003 novel titled Shatterpoint, penned by Matthew Stover. This novel served as the inaugural entry in the Clone Wars multimedia project. Subsequently, it was featured in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia in 2008 and within the role-playing game rulebooks Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta and Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook in 2012 and 2013, respectively.

