Balawai militia

The Balawai militia represented the Korunnai designation for the combined military and policing entities under the governance of the Representative Council of Haruun Kal. Functioning as a division of the Ministry of Justice, its central operations were based within the Ministry of Justice Building situated in Pelek Baw. Records indicate that by 21.5 BBY, Colonel Lorz Geptun held command over the force. During the period known as the Summertime War, the militia found itself deeply embroiled in a prolonged armed struggle against indigenous Korunnai insurgent groups, notably the ULF, a conflict frequently marred by acts of brutality from all participants. Subsequent to the war's conclusion, the militia continued its existence, albeit with a reduced operational scope, primarily focusing on law enforcement duties. A significant number of former militia members transitioned into service within the Republic Army to participate in the Clone Wars.

Remarkably, even during the most intense phases of the Summertime War, the militia's official regulations explicitly prohibited any form of threat or harm directed towards civilian populations.


As of the year 21.5 BBY, the composition of the militia's armed forces included the following elements:

  • A minimum of 25,000 soldiers in conventional combat roles.
  • At least 200 arpitroops specialized in airborne operations.
  • No less than 36 Ground Assault Vehicles designed for terrestrial combat.
  • At least 76 Turbostorm-class gunships for aerial support and engagement.
  • DOKAWs along with surveillance and communication satellites.
  • Various troop transport shuttles.
  • armored groundcars for ground transportation and patrol duties.

Jups were incorporated as support units. Through its cooperative relationship with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the militia also gained access to at least 384 vulture droids. Tactical deployment involved platoons consisting of twenty individuals.


Each regular member of the militia was outfitted with Graylite protective armor, a Merr-Sonn Devastator vibroknife for close-quarters combat, and a BC7 Medium Blaster Carbine as their standard firearm. Every platoon was equipped with a MM(X), and one in six soldiers carried a backpack-mounted flamethrower.

